In DnD, dagger 5e is an extremely versatile finesse weapon.

If you don’t know about dagger 5e then this article is for you. Read the following content carefully, it will be beneficial for you.


When you’re a little fresh to DnD, you could be wondering, “Why interfere?” while you look at daggers. They impose significantly very little damage than a spear or greatsword, then again. A dagger 5e won’t always feature prominently, but older players will comprehend that neither adventurer must be without at least one maybe two.

This immensely useful weapon is a decent backup if you lose your primary weapon or have to appear unarmed since it is skill full for every class. This handbook will serve as either a primer just on the operation of dagger 5e, how to recruit them, and how to benefit from their flexibility.

Dagger 5e Mechanics:

In comparison to martial weapons, the dagger 5e is a simple and direct weapon with a broad range of abilities. It is a gentle, pushed, finesse, 20–60 range weapon. It is pretty flexible, if a little underrated, and contains more properties than every DnD 5e weapon.

On an effective hit, the dagger only interacts with 1d4 base harm, though a critical hit, a category ability, or a magic dagger 5e may boost or reduce this ground damage. Daggers are rated at 2 GP in the Player’s Guidebook (page 149) so although your DM finally decides how many they cost. For sharp weapons, this is moderately priced; a longsword charges 15 GP, as well as a greatsword, charges 50 GP.

Last but not least, a dagger has a 5-foot melee variety, similar to other popular melee weapons.


Following the Player’s Handbook:

You have the option to use your Power or Dexterity variable for the attack and harm rolls when you’re using a finesse weapon. For both rolls, the variable must be the same. (Page, 147). Characters with poor capacity score rolls or characters who would prefer for using their points elsewhere will adore this skill.

Characters with a significant level of dexterity may be extremely powerful. The dagger and a few other weapons allow you to employ Dexterity instead of Strength, as the majority of weapons work.

Finesse weapons enable you to boost your attack and harm more quickly without requiring meaningful sacrifices since Dexterity also serves to quantify your AC and initiative reward as well as your ability modifier for such a variety of ability checks and saves).


The Player’s Handbook says that light weapons seem to be small and simple to handle, allowing them for use in battle with two weapons” (Page 147).

In DnD 5e, everyone can take part in two-handed combat. Although, to use weapons that have little the “light” property calls for a distinct feat. This allows you to simply avail two-weapon battle without being concerned about choosing to spend a feat on it, dual-wielding daggers. Or grabbing some other light weapon in addition to a dagger.

With all of this, you can make a bonus strike each round to whom the attack and damage rolls need not take into account your Power or Dexterity modifier.

Range (20/60):

According to the Player’s Handbook:

The variety of a weapon suggest in parentheses just after ammunition or thrown property and may be useful to create a ranged attack. The variety includes 2 digits. The very first number means the gun’s pretty standard range in feet, while the second number signifies the gun’s effective range. You have a disadvantage on the strike roll when attempting to attack a target that is outside your normal range. Further, then the greater distance of the weapon, you cannot attack a target. (Page 147)

You could successfully put a dagger at such a target within 20 feet, or within 60 feet at a disadvantage, to use the range property. It’s critical to remember that while you can throw something, such as a bladed weapon, it will result in punishments if the melee weapon loses the medium-range feature.

The primary difference is that if using an improvised weapon to fight, you cannot benefit from your competency bonus. The harm dealt with by melee weapons is useful as ranged weapons are also confined to 1d4 points, and their range improvement is similar to that of daggers.

And it is always preferable to possess a dagger 5e you could even put rather than throwing your sword away throughout the battle. Because dagger 5e is designed to be a ranged weapon and every category is skillful with them. Within the same range, it will interact with the same extent of damage. But you will have a much good chance of hitting your target.


The thrown property’s regulations are largely just an advancement of the range property’s guidelines. Following the Player’s Handbooks,

If a weapon can throw, you may use it to launch a long-range attack. You relate the same capacity modifier for such attack roll as well as harm roll that you would for a melee attack with both weapons when it is a melee weapon. When trying to throw a dagger. For example, you have the option of employing your Power or your Dexterity because the dagger has always had the finesse property. In comparison, when throwing a handaxe, you will have to use your Strength. (Page 147)

This property’s primary goal is to make it straightforward which modifiers you can relate to, but with a dagger, it essentially means you can apply whichever modifier suits your needs best.

Uses and Techniques for dagger 5e:

There are several interesting uses for dagger 5e.

Even though the dagger is not commonly used as a character’s primary weapon. It is crucial to remember that if your harm output covers the importance of the additional damage. You obtain from class features, for example, a Rogue’s sneak attack, then a dagger is a great choice. 1d4+5d6 damage is not considerably different from 1d8+5d6 harm, particularly at greater levels.

But even so, many characters still decide to employ a rapier—which also includes the finesse property—or a comparable weapon to boost their harm.

Smuggling Weapons:

The dagger’s tiny size is its main strength. The greatest weapon to smuggle into locations is a dagger, while this may not be meaningful. Daggers remain the reasonable solution, but it is of course up to your DM to determine whether you need to smuggle weapons anytime or how precisely weapon smuggling will operate.

Their only rival is darts, which also deal with equivalent amounts of injury and it is designed for use in close combat melee. Blades are. You can throw them, but you may also protect yourself while using them.

Backup Ranged Weapon:

Even outside smuggling circumstances, daggers lead to successful weapons, particularly for melee characters who occasionally need to use a portable ranged choice and Dexterity-based characters who could benefit from the dagger’s finesse property.

Although there are many ranged weapons, such as crossbows and longbows, they can be difficult to use and require carrying extra supplies. Many of these ranged weapons require you to drop your primary weapon, which is rarely a good idea.

Dagger 5e could be strapped fairly almost anywhere and didn’t create you to drop any of it, even though their use will start taking a few of your free object connections. Of course, if you favor bludgeoning harm, a sling can function in this ability as well.

Dual Wielding:

A dagger is a good option for offhand combat. If you appreciate dual wielding, you might keep a dagger for your off-hand reward action attacks. While carrying a scimitar or even another light weapon on the main side.

I recommend taking a dagger rather than two scimitars or two brief swords, both of which deal 1d6 damage. Instead of 1d4 damage since these weapons are favored by some characters who prefer to dual-wield.

This is based on the fact that a dagger is more successfully thrown if required, which allows you to maintain a recovery ranged weapon on hand in case you can’t get near your enemy. A dagger 5e can be cast as your main attack or as offhand reward action.


This won’t even considerably inhibit your multiple attacks if you bring several daggers. As a portion of your free item interaction, you could put a dagger but then draw another.

Remember that if you are dual grabbing, you could only unsheathe one weapon for free per round. When you’re in a dungeon or other scenario where combat could separate at any moment, it is advantageous to keep both weapons drawn.

You should obtain the Dual Wielder feat if you wish to be able to unsheathe both of your blades simultaneously without relying on an action. Additionally, you won’t be able to add your variable to the strike or harm rolls. You create (unless the outcomes are negative, in which situation you must).

Many people think of a Rogue or Ranger when those who consider dual wielding. Even so, even a Wizard can effectively dual-wield daggers in circumstances where magic is constraining. Wizards are significantly weak for melee combat, but if you’re forced to participate in combat without the assistance of magic. You may want to do as much damage as possible.


Last but not least, dagger 5e has tiny blades and can employ in pretty much everything you can think of.

A dagger can jam wheels, carve wood, cut rope, open chests, and also more. Of course, you can complete most of these tasks with other weapons too. But your DM might determine to award you a drawback. If you attempt to utilize a greatsword to cut the cords trying to secure your ally.

As a DM and a player, it is better to use common sense if using a dagger for utility.

Questions People Have About Daggers

1- Does dagger work well in 5e?

Dagger is doubtlessly helpful, but it is challenging to evaluate the advantages of a specific item. Instead, a dagger is used specifically as an alternative plan and covert weapon. Every DnD character should, without even a doubt, bring a dagger on them at all times.

2- What purpose does the dagger serve in 5e?

Dagger is the special weapon that all players are proficient in within DnD 5e and those who deal harm. Each character is also talented with unarmed combat, but everybody except the Monk suffers so little harm from these attacks.

Dagger’s low harm can serve as a sort of floor towards the power of weapons since they are inexpensive, easily available, and well-suitable to use by all classes. The update from the default is to consider taking martial classes or feats to obtain access to certain other weapons.

3- Is the dagger 5e a simple weapon to use?

Dagger does fall underneath the simple weapon classification. In the world of Dungeons and Dragons, this converts to the fact that they’re relatively simple to operate and build. Particularly when compared to the metal-cutting skills required to make a good sword. Or even the mechanical know-how required to gather a very well crossbow.

4- What is a dagger’s attack bonus?

Your Strength or Dexterity (you simply pick) + Proficiency + some other class bonuses + magical bonuses combine to generate the attack bonus for a dagger. In other words, the dagger is not based on a distinct method to calculate its attack bonus.

Main Points:

Dagger is available, inexpensive, and multi-purpose weapons that anyone may master. There is very little reason for an adventurer to maintain a dagger or four fastened to their belt, connected to their chest strap. Or hidden in a boot, given that dagger leads to successful weapons and that each class has competency with them.

Dagger can be useful in a wide range of situations. However, they are not likely to be useful as anybody’s major weapon. Dagger 5e is a superb covert weapon that can also serve as a ranged option for characters. Who would like to fight in melee or as a great offhand weapon while dual wielding?

Although if you rarely are using them (such as if you’re a magic user), this is best to keep at least one or two daggers on hand. You’ll believe like a pro for being prepared should you ever need them. For example, if your opponent casts Antimagic Field.

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