5e Races in DnD: A list and guide to all playable races
Your most crucial choice when creating a D&D 5e races character. Each D&D 5e race has particular characteristics, skills, and roleplaying touchstones crucial for developing characters. We review every “common” race in the Player’s Handbook and a few extras added in supplements over the years.
Dragonborn Race Details:
As a result of the best qualities of humans and dragons coming together, Dragonborn was produced. They are towering and powerful creatures that can grow to heights of up to 612 feet and weigh at least 300 pounds.
A Dragonborn’s typical height and weight are well over 6 feet, weighing about 250 pounds on average. You’re in the middle. Their exhalations vary in size, shape, and type depending on their dragon ancestry. As soon as they hatch, they start to walk. By the time they are three years old, they are the size and maturity of a human child. You are immune to some forms of injury because of your draconic ancestry.
Common and Draconic are languages you can speak, read, and write in. The duergar, also known as grey dwarves, live in cities tucked away in the Underdark. They possess innate magical abilities that allow them to vanish and grow horrifyingly large for a brief period of time.
Dwarf 5e races DETAILS:
Elves are a magical race with ethereal grace who inhabit the world but are not fully a part of it. They reside among ancient forests or silvery spires that sparkle with faerie light in settings of ethereal beauty. Humans and members of many other races find elves hauntingly beautiful due to their unearthly grace and fine features. Goldmoon said softly, “I never thought such beauty existed. Elves can be tenacious and laser-focused when working towards a goal, whether adventuring or mastering a new skill or art.
They take a while to make allies and foes and even longer to forget them. Even though they tend to be haughty, elves are usually kind to people who don’t live up to their lofty standards. Elves enjoy centuries of exploration and discovery due to their long lifespans, and adventuring lets them choose their own pace. Nevertheless, they can see the good in just about anyone.
 Common names of elves include Galinndan, Hadarai, Heian, Himo, Immeral, Ivellios, Laucian, Mindartis, Paelias, Peren, Quarion, Riardon, Rolen, Soveliss, Tharivol, Varis, Drusilia, Enna, Felosial, Ielenia, Keyleth, Leshanna, Lia, Meriele, Mialee, Naivara, Quillathe, Sariel, Shanairra, Shava, Silaqui, Theirastra, Thia, Vadania, Valanthe, Xanaphia.
There are three main subraces of elves: high elves, wood elves, and dark elves. Although they can live up to 750 years old, elves typically reach adulthood and adopt adult names around 100. As a result of elven development over millennia, your elf character possesses various natural skills. Within 60 feet of you, you can see as clearly in low light as possible in bright or pitch-black darkness. Elves are slender beings who can be anywhere from under five to over six feet tall. Perception is a skill in which you excel.
Gnome 5e races Details:
A gnome’s enthusiasm for life and energy radiate from every square inch of his or her diminutive frame. Gnomes are typically 40 to 45 pounds and slightly taller than 3 feet. Their fair hair tends to protrude in all directions as though they were expressing their insatiable curiosity about everything around them. Ingenious engineers, alchemists, tinkerers, and engineers are common among gnomes. To get better at what they do, they’re not afraid to fail and laugh at themselves.
Some human families hire gnome tutors to give their children a balance of serious learning and exhilarating fun. Gnomes love adventures just as much as they love any other activity, often to the chagrin of their fellow adventurers. The deep gnomes (also known as svirfneblin), a subrace race of gnomes, reside in sparsely populated areas throughout the Underdark. Gnomes can live 350 to almost 500 years and mature at the same rate as humans. The two types of gnomes most frequently found in the surface world are forest and rock.
Deep gnomes:
Deep gnomes live 200 to 250 years and are considered full-grown adults by age 25. They live 200 to 250 years, although hard toil and the dangers of the Underdark often claim them before their time.
Half-Elf 5e races Details:
Some people decide to travel alone or to join other misfits and outcasts in the life of adventure. Given that their coloration and features are a mix of those of their human and elf parents, half-elves exhibit a range that is even more pronounced than that of either race alone. They weigh between 100 and 180 pounds and are 5 and 6 feet tall. Half-elves appear human to humans but appear like elves to elves. Among Two Worlds, They are a race with human energy without being boorish, elven energy without being aloof, and elven grace.
If your DM allows it, your half-elf character can instead take the elf trait Keen Senses or a trait based on your elf parentage instead of Skill Versatility. As if to emphasize that they don’t really belong in either society, half-elves raised among humans are frequently given elven names. In contrast, those raised among elves are frequently given human names and are EXCELLENT AMBASSADOR.
Half-Elf Traits:
Your half-elf character shares some characteristics with elves and others unique to half-elves. Increase in Ability Score: Your Charisma score rises by two points, and two other ability scores of your choosing rise by one point. Your base walking speed is 30 feet per minute.
Within 60 feet of you, you can see as if it were bright light; in darkness, you can only see shades of grey.
You have an advantage against being charmed on saving throws. Half-elves are roughly the same size as humans, standing between 5 and 6 feet tall. Your dress size is Medium.
Halfling Race Details:
Small elves known as halflings get by on not getting noticed or, failing that, not getting in the way of more enormous creatures to survive. Even the simplest things excite them, like unfamiliar clothing or exotic cuisine. They enjoy learning new things. In a group of humans, dwarves, or elves, halflings can easily blend in. Small, tranquil communities comprising large farms and meticulously maintained groves are home to the halflings. Dwarf: “You can depend on dwarves to keep their word, and they will make loyal friends.” Would it be harmful if they occasionally smiled, Halfling?
All halflings share the characteristics of a halfling character. Halflings’ average height and weight are 3 feet and 40 pounds, respectively. Lightfoot halflings are the most widespread and prevalent variety of halflings in the Forgotten Realms. Although halflings are not secretive about their language, they are reluctant to divulge it to others. Bright colors are preferred, and they like to dress comfortably and practically.
Human 5e races Details:
Humans are more physically diverse than other common races due to their propensity for migration and conquest. Humans have a wide variety of skin tones, from almost black to very pale, and hair colors, from black to blond. Many people have trace amounts of nonhuman blood, possibly from elves, orcs, or other lineages. The Chondathans are thin, tawny-skinned, and have brown hair that can be anywhere from almost blond to almost black. People from Calish have drab brown skin, hair, and eyes.
According to the early migrations of the earliest humans, human physical characteristics vary. While the majority have raven-black hair, those who live in the far north-west typically have blonde, red, or light brown hair. Mulan typically has hazel or brown eyes and is tall and slim with amber skin. Rashemis typically have short, stout, muscular bodies, dark skin, and black hair. In Kara-Tur, a land far east of Faerûn, the Shou are the most numerous and powerful ethnic group.
Although they have a wide range of hair and eye colors, brown hair and blue eyes are the most prevalent. Tethyrians use most Chondathan names. In their late teens, humans reach adulthood, and their lifespan is less than a century. The Turami like to sprinkle their speech with words from other languages, such as orc curses, elvish musical expressions, and dwarven military jargon. The Turami people, indigenous to the Inner Sea’s southern shore, are typically tall and muscular people with curly black hair, dark eyes, and dark skin that is dark mahogany.
Tiefling 5e races Details:
Given their human ancestry, tieflings still appear human in the broadest sense. But it’s obvious from the way they look that they have ancestry from the pits of hell. Their physical characteristics and nature result from the old sin, not a fault of either. The Brimstone Angels are Erin M. Evans. Only a small percentage of humans live in towns or cities where Tieflings live.
Tiefling languages:
Some have names derived from the Infernal language that reflect their fiendish heritage. Tieflings born into another culture typically have names reflective of that culture.
Male Infernal Names: Akmenos, Amnon, Barakas, Damakas,. Ekemon, Iados, Kairon, Leucis, Melech, Mordai, Morthaiia, Pelaios, Skamos, Therai. Female Infernal NAMES: Akta, Anakis, Bryseis, Criella, Damaia, Ea, Lerissa, Orianna, Phelaia, Rieta.
The names of tieflings include Art, Carrion, Chant, Creed, Excellence, Fear, Glory, Ideal, Music, Nowhere, Open, Poetry, Quest, Random, Reverence, Sorrow, Temerity, Torment, Weary, and Infernal. The size and physical characteristics of tieflings are similar to those of humans. Not just in terms of appearance but morality and personality, they are impacted by their infernal heritage. They choose their own path in life despite being endowed with magic from the infernal realms.
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