Booming Blade 5e: Spell How To Guide | Shocking Move:

Booming Blade 5e

Booming Blade

Evocation cantrip

From Wizards of the Coast by Lie Setiawan

1 action total for casting

Area: Self (5-foot radius)

Contains: S, M (a melee weapon worth at least 1 sp)

1 round of time

You raise the weapon that was used to cast the spell and make a melee strike with it against one creature that is within 5 feet of you. The effects of the weapon attack are applied to the target upon a hit, and they are then sheathed in booming energy until the beginning of your next turn. Prior to that, the target takes 1d8 thunder damage and the spell expires if they voluntarily move 5 feet or more.

At a higher level. At the 5th level, the melee attack deals an additional 1d8 thunder damage to the destination on a hit, and the damage the target takes for relocating rises to 2d8. Both damage rolls increase by 1d8 at the 11th level (2d8 and 3d8) and then again at the 17th level (3d8 and 4d8).

Spell Lists Sources for Artificer, Sorcerer, Warlock, and Wizard

The Sword Shore Adventurer’s Guide, Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything.


It is a strategically potent cantrip that inflicts close-range thunder damage. Warlocks, sorcerers, and wizards can use this spell. This can trip has the potential to be quite powerful in the right hands, giving players the chance to deal more damage in melee combat.


A character must engage in a melee attack before casting Booming Blade. The creature is immersed in energy after a successful hit until the beginning of its next turn. A creature is struck by 1d8 thunder damage if it makes its way more than 5 feet.

The uses of Booming Blade are numerous. The versatility of this cantrip, which can both deal damage and restrict the options available to the enemy, will appeal to players who enjoy strategic combat.

For Players:

Booming Blade serves many unique purposes because the cantrip’s caster must land a successful melee strike. Rogues and Fighters can also gain an advantage from this cantrip, making it useful for Wizards, Sorcerers, and Warlocks as well.

Booming Blade’s thunder damage at lower levels is equal to 1d8. Booming Blade is still a potent spell at high levels because of the damage it deals at levels 5, 11, and 17.

But the target must move at least five feet before Booming Blade can inflict damage. When they are within melee range, it is difficult to move your adversaries. After all, and there is no point in risking moving if the opponent can hit the players?

Booming Blade can be utilized in a number of ways. But there are a number of variables, including the class and fighting style of the character that will affect how players choose to use this cantrip.

But there are a number of variables, including the character’s class and fighting style that will affect how players choose to use this cantrip.


The following objectives are typically attained by players using Booming Blade:

  • Limiting the movement of the opposition
  • Preventing the enemy from pursuing the caster
  • Adding additional harm

The ability to cantrip is rare. It can be challenging to find one that can be used at both low and high levels. Early on in the game, Booming Blade is a versatile option.

The players predict that many enemies will prefer to stay away from close-quarters combat. For example, wizards and rogues have a reputation for avoiding direct conflict with their adversaries.

Using Booming Blade, which causes damage to enemies who try to flee a melee battle, will deal damage to enemies who prefer to keep their distance. A Wizard who takes damage will be forced to stop and rethink leaving after being hit by Booming Blade. With the Mobile feat, this cantrip also functions well. If a melee attack is made, characters who possess the Mobile feat will not be subject to an attack of opportunity. A character can use this method to cast the Booming Blade cantrip and then leave the fray without suffering any consequences.

For DMs:

It is important for DMs to consider which NPCs might use Booming Blade. If the party uses them well, these opponents can aid in their victory. With the help of this cantrip, you can exert some pressure on the party’s top performers or deal more damage to the party’s spell casters.

The Eldritch Knights could be very dangerous if they were equipped with Booming Blades. These knights can use Booming Blade to limit the movement of the party. DMs could effectively use this technique by giving the party a nearby objective to complete. A different scenario is that the Knights are providing cover for the villain as he runs. Even more, harm could be done by an organization of dangerous Arcane Tricksters. These Rogues could torture the party by using Booming Blade while using their Cunning Action ability, attacking and disengaging with each rapier strike to inflict pain and thunder. It is even worse when you combine this cantrip with Sneak Attack.

It might be a good idea to have enemies that are capable of using ranged attacks if the players are using Booming Blade. To give the party something to fight against, it is frequently a good idea to provide a variety of troops. The inclusion of various creatures typically increases the enjoyment of the game in addition to giving the DM more options in a battle.


Booming Blade, when used carefully, can be much more effective in battle. It can be used by both Wizards and Fighters due to its adaptability, but players must first conduct some research before they can fully utilize Booming Blade.

Booming Blade works best when it is added to a particular class archetype’s arsenal of skills. It is important to keep in mind that Booming Blade uses a Spell Action rather than an Attack Action. As a result, it does not work in concert with skills that employ the Attack Action, such as Extra Attack.


Many of the rogue archetypes are suitable candidates for this cantrip because Booming Blade and the rogue’s Cunning Action ability complement one another well. Booming Blade can be used to advantage by Bladesingers and Eldritch Knights as well.

Booming Blade is a very adaptable and strategic spell. The cantrip can therefore be applied to a wide variety of classes. Although we’ve highlighted a few of the most popular character builds in this post, players are always encouraged to come up with their own special character builds.

The mysterious trickster:

Arcane arts training allows rogues to improve their skills through sorcery and deception. Rogues have access to the Arcane Trickster archetype at level 3. Three cantrips from the wizard’s spell book are taught to these rogues.

The Rogue’s Cunning Action ability can be used by an Arcane Trickster equipped with Booming Blade. The Rogue can Dash, Disengage, or Hide from an enemy with a bonus action when they have this ability, which they learn at level 2.

Before using a bonus action to Disengage and flee, Arcane Tricksters can cast Blade in melee range to deal regular weapon damage. They explode when the adversary moves. Rinse and repeat.

Bladesinger the Wizard:

There are wizards who think there is a spell for everything. Others discover there is nothing that can match the safety of a good blade. The Arcane Tradition of Bladesinging is an option for later-generation wizards. For these spell casters, Booming might be a wise choice.

These elven wizards are as skilled with swords as they are with spells, and they are not averse to engaging in combat with dangerous adversaries. In contrast to some of their occasionally timid peers, Bladesinger Wizards do not back down from a fight.

Wizards frequently struggle to deal substantial melee damage due to their propensity to prioritize intelligence. Booming Blade, a key skill for Bladesingers, especially early on, gives them the chance to increase their melee damage.

The Eldritch Knight:

Some Fighters study magic in order to gain an advantage in combat. These Eldritch Knights master a few spells and use them strategically to defeat their foes. Fighters can choose the path of the Eldritch Knight at the third level. The Eldritch Knight, unlike Wizards, does not keep a spell book, preferring to memories the few spells he or she knows.

Eldritch Knights can cast spells from the evocation and abjuration magical schools. Eldritch Knights are able to learn Booming Blade because it is an evocation spell. It can be used by these Fighters to gain more control of the battlefield. Even though they are spell-savvy, Eldritch Knights are not typically found in the back of a battle. It is a weapon, by Knights can use to put their adversaries in a difficult position. The majority of adversaries prefer to target the weaker members of the party. Booming Blade strikes an adversary and encourages it to remain put. The other party members are better protected as a result.

Swashbuckler the Booming:

With a sword, swashbucklers are adept. These Rogues see fighting as an art form. When these Rogues reach level 3, they learn the skill of Fancy Footwork, which teaches them how to attack a foe and flee without drawing a counterattack. Any character—including Booming Blade—can learn cantrips from the Wizard’s spell list by selecting the Magic Initiate feat. Using Fancy Footwork and Booming Blade together, a Swashbuckler can attack an opponent and then leave the melee area. The option for an enemy is to either wait to be attacked or to withstand the thunder after being struck by a Booming rapier.


Booming Blade can be used by characters to limit options for the opponent in battle. Booming Blade strikes a creature, engulfing it in light. The creature goes boom if it tries to flee. It goes boom if it moves to attack another character. The light goes out if it doesn’t move, but you can hit it again if it does. A booming Blade is a useful tool for hiding and escaping. Not all conflicts are worthwhile. Before taking off for the hills, try attacking the opposition with Blade. When magic is on your side, escaping is simpler. As you might imagine, chasing someone is challenging enough without experiencing thunder damage.

In D & D, not every foe is eager to engage in close combat. Some creatures like to engage in combat at a distance. For instance, criminals are experts at blending into the background so they can avoid both justice and blades. It can be used by players to stop enemies from running away. Any quick-witted cowards will have their heads rattled by this cantrip.


A character is not limited in how frequently they can use Booming Blade because it is a cantrip. Cantrips are short spells that have been refined through magical practice. It almost feels natural to cast these spells once they become automatic.


Booming Blade makes use of one Spell Attack action. As a result, characters are typically unable to use a bonus action to cast this cantrip. The Sorcerer is the sole exception.

As a bonus action, the Sorcerer can cast certain spells using their metamagic abilities. Sorcerers can Quicken Booming Blade and cast it as a bonus action by spending a couple of her sorcery points.


To increase the power rate of Booming Blade, it can be combined with a variety of other spells and skills. For instance, characters who have Booming Blade can select the Spell Sniper feat and cast the cantrip from a greater distance.

A ring of an attack roll-based spell will be doubled by Spell Sniper. The blade can be cast from ten feet away rather than five with the aid of Spell Sniper. When facing enemies who lack ranged attacks, this ominous combination is very effective. It goes without saying that Blade and Spell Sniper complement each other quite well. Ability to cast a spell when an enemy launches an attack of opportunity is one advantage of the War Caster feat.

Imagine a goblin attempting to flee from a wizard wielding a war spell. The goblin attacks as it turns around to flee. The deft Wizard casts Booming Blade on the goblin, striking it with her staff. Thunder arrives as the goblin is running. Goblin, it is time for you to turn out the lights.


The Booming Blade cantrip is an excellent choice for a wide range of characters. This spell can be used to deal additional damage by a variety of classes, including wizards, sorcerers, rogues, fighters, and others.