If you want to get guidelines about hex 5e then you are at the best site. We will properly guide by the following content. So let’s start.

Firstly, warlock’s expertise in using magic spells to weaken their opposition, slowing their perceptions or movement sufficiently to land the perfect Eldritch Blast.

Currently, we’ll look at such an iconic level warlock spell that provides a lot of interaction in a first-level spell slot – as long as you maintain your intensity.

In addition, Curse your opponents, deal additional damage, and severely damage their most powerful state with the authority of Hex.

Hex 5e:

Casting Time: 1 additional action

90-foot range

1 hour in length

Enchantment at school

Warlock is a class.

Level: 1

Necrotic, Debuff Damage/Effect

Attack; Neither

Verbal, Somatic, and Material Components

Description of the hex 5e Spell:

You can also set a curse on a creature you see in the range. So until the spell Users use a bonus activity to summon their strange patron and curse a creature within 90 feet.

You deal an extra 1d6 necrotic harm to the target when you attack it until the spell ends.

Also, when trying to cast the spell, pick one skill. The goal suffers a drawback on ability checks that use the chosen ability. Users can curse a new creature with a reward action on their next turn if the goal loses its entire hit points even before the spell ends.

However, this spell is discharged early if a remove curse is cast just on target.

At a greater level When you cast this spell with a magical slot of 3rd or 4th level, you can concentrate on the spell for up to 8 hours. If you use a spell slot of 5th level or higher, then you can focus on the spell for up to 24 hours.

Enchantment, Damage, Necrotic, and Debuff at 1st level

Warlock (1), Bard (1) (10, Magical Secrets)

The ancient eye of a newt is necessary.

Number of Goals: 1, with the possibility of changing objectives if the current target passes away first before the duration expires.

d6 is the die type.

The number of dice is one.

Type of Harm: Necrotic

Harm from a successful save: N/A

Situations Inflicted: The target tends to suffer a drawback when performing ability inspections with the ability chosen by the caster.

Status Length: Until the Hex curse is lifted.

Coverage Impacts: None

There is no additional benefit.

Disadvantage: On all capacity payments made with the caster’s ability.

What exactly is hex 5e?

Hex is a wonderful first-level Warlock spell that rewards detailed plan and placement, tends to work well with Eldritch blast, and therefore can deal a critical debuff to stronger enemies.

It grants you a reasonable damage boost that, if you keep your mental focus, can last for a few combat interactions, offering a whole fistful of d6s worth of additional necrotic damage.

However, with warlock spell slots at a high price (really, you managed to sell your soul for two 1st level spells and Eldritch Blast? Pact Magic is such a rip-off), harm warlocks can benefit from this spell, especially at low levels.

You can enforce a drawback on one of that creature’s skills anytime you cast this spell (but not if you change to a new target, which is unfortunate). Despite the shame this only applies to ability checks rather than attack rolls or saving tosses, it can be a wonderful method for ensuring you drag a monster’s defining stat – if that means fogging up a wizard’s mind or trying to inflict magical cramp on a strong fighter.

Is hex 5e Helpful?

Aside from Eldritch Blast, Hex is probably the most common low-level spell I see on Warlocks, and it’s simple to think to yourself, “Yes, everyone uses it, therefore it must be good.” This is not accurate.

Firstly, consider how much loss Hex deals. The average d6 roll is 3.5, and due to the way bounded accuracy as well as basic mechanical stability work in 5e, you must only expect a strike to hit your target about 65% of the moment.

That indicates the actual average damage buff from Hex is nearly 2.27 additional harm per round.

Hex’s potential cost becomes clearer when you consider that this consumes 50% of your spell slots per regular pause, is a reward action, and needs you to maintain concentration.

That opportunity cost is what causes Hex’s effectiveness to dwindle at higher levels. I could see it being a viable option if the damage scaled instead of (or in addition to) the length of the spell.

Even so, higher-level warlocks have access to some extremely cool intensity spells like Major Image and Fly, in addition to only having two spell slots from 2nd to 11th level, there is very little reason for a higher-level Warlock to waste one of their precious slot machines on something such as unexciting as hex 5e.

That leaves us wondering why hex 5e is so common at lower levels.

Is it suitable?

If the loss is great, then the skill to impose drawback on an enemy’s most essential ability rating is nice. Moreover, the capacity to keep the spell to go whether you’re careful with your placement almost makes this spell alright.

When Will You Cast hex 5e?

Hex burns brightly when merged with the Warlock’s undoubtedly category cantrip, Eldritch Blast.

in addition, there are two main approaches for choosing a Hex target:

Put it on the biggest saddest thing inside the room and use Eldritch Blast to reduce it while the rest of the group works their way up.

Hex the least effective target first, then work your way up from the smallest to the biggest danger, as you’re more likely to use the spell’s additional damage to kill a weakening target.

Whether you’re fighting a swarm of weak enemies and their leader (say, a half dozen goblins as well as a goblin boss), I’d choose the second approach.

Because the action economy works in 5e, the side that performs the most actions for each round is much more likely to win.


Even if the goblin boss feels stronger than their minions, bringing down two or three frequent goblins in the time. It requires knocking down the head honcho will tip the scales more strongly in your approval.

But, one exception in the strategy is if the other members of the party are unable to overcome the “big guy” enemy’s resistors. In 5e, so few things are immune or have high resistance to force as well as necrotic damage. Just choose your targets smartly and try to be strong where your allies seem to be weak.

Some exception is if an anime is trying to accomplish something users would prefer they not do, such as operating a ritual, implementing machinery, or climbing a wall; essentially, if the boss is trying to accomplish something using ability inspections while their minions keep the reader at bay, hitting them with Hex is an outstanding way to slow them down.

Hexing on Social Media:

However, Outside of battle, the ability to implement disadvantage on a creature’s checks has some functionality.

Suppose your party has arrived just at the throne room but you’re competing for the queen’s approval of a new with the leader of a rival group. In addition, hexing the charisma of the opposing faction’s ruler could be a found most interesting to change the balance of the discussion in your approval.

I would not use this unless you were sure you had a remainder coming up before the next fight. Hex is a combat miracle, but you should not feel restricted from using its spell on the battlefield.

On the other hand, A successful Hex is highly dependent on your capacity to maintain intensity to reap the great benefits of this spell. You may potentially go through two to three encounters in an hour of match time. This also means you could about 16d6 of damage from this magic (assuming a combat encounter lasts about four rounds on average).

If you are not careful, you can put out a Hex, and hit once for a couple of extra damage. Just get bonked on the head. Or hit by a stray arrow the next turn and be back to square one. Hex is what users make of it (at least at lower ranks).

Moreover, Stay in the shield, if needed, stand behind the fighter, just let beefy boys in plate mail start taking the hits, and take priority trying to take out enemy archers.

How to Cast Hex Without Having to Remember It:

If your party’s warlock has found a better spell to remember but you still need to cast Hex, the best way to do so is to find a spell scroll.

Spell Scrolls are only one piece of parchment or printing that enable the user to cast the spell documented on it once before trying to destroy it. You can read the scroll as well as cast the spell without supplying any material components if the spell is already on your group’s spell list. Otherwise, the scroll is pointless gibberish.

Spell scrolls operate differently than remembering spells, with a fixed DC and attack reward. Most Hex scrolls are 1st level, but it isn’t impossible to find one that’s 3rd or 4th level. Allowing you to focus on the spell for up to 8 hours, or 5th level or higher, enabling you to focus on the spell for up to 24 hours.

Spell LevelRaritySave DCAttack Bonus
6thVery Rare17+9
7thVery Rare18+10
8thVery Rare18+10

But the major reason Hex is needed to spell for low-level warlocks is that all other first-level warlock spell casters are straight. Nonsense.

But if you’re playing a subclass with a good roster of unique 1st level spells (like the Archfey, who gets Nap). Warlocks have a package of starter spells that suck tougher than almost any other class in the play (cantrips excepted). Artificers as well as rangers come even close, however, neither is a full caster.

So, for a low-grade warlock, hex 5e is indeed a good choice. If it is used carefully and maintains your intensity over multiple encounters. But put off that kind of childish thing away from greater levels and concentrate your attention on something worthwhile.

However, spell scrolls are priced based on their rareness, which is decided by the level of the spell. Moreover, the first Hex scroll will charge between 50 and 90 GP, based on where you buy it.

Frequently Asked Questions About hex 5e:

Can hexes stack?

Yes, as you know a single Warlock can be hexed by numerous Warlocks. The damage, however, will only rely on the example of Hex imposed either by attacking Warlock. And you can’t impose a Disadvantage on a single ability more than once.

Is Hex over when there is no aim to bounce to?

No! Nothing in the rules that says Hex has to stop when there are no more targets. So the Warlock can keep trying to focus on their Hex and impose it on new enemies as they experience them.

Does Hex affect attack and saving throws?

No. Hex’s disadvantage is clearly stated to be on ability checks. Which excludes Attack Rolls and Saving Throws because they are not ability checks.

Is Hex applicable to spells?

Hex’s damage is applied to spell hits. However, the spell just says it does extra damage when attacking, and a spell strike uses the strike action, so it would count as an attack.

In conclusion,  hope by this article you can easily understand hex 5e. And also keep visiting our site for more knowledge and stay happy.

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