If you want to know more about Swashbuckler 5e then fortunately you are at the best place. We will guide you properly with the below information.

What thoughts come to mind when I say a rogue? If you are like me, you’ll see a character dressed in black as well as red with a short dagger in each hand lurking in the dark.

Secret services, thieves, and assassins are the archetypes that come to mind when someone discusses a rogue, whether it’s in DnD or not.

Start believing that or not, there is also another type of rogue you’re most likely already familiar with, although if you do not even believe of them as rogues.

Swashbuckler characters involve Zorro, Robin Hood, Inigo Montoya, Indiana Jones, Jack Sparrow, and even Han Solo. Although most people, like myself, relate the term “swashbuckler 5e” with pirates, it refers to a far broader personality.


A swashbuckler 5e is a bold, devious, and heroic individual, although some may appear to also have scoundrel qualities. A swashbuckler 5e seems to be skillful swordsmen who start moving with kindness from across the battlefield.

Among the key traits of a swashbuckler, 5e is their charismatic existence. As popular representations of swashbucklers managed to evolve, film and literature converted them from braggadocious bullies to brave explorers with a particular swagger.

This provides us with an extremely thrilling character to use in DnD. We appreciate the chance to set up good role-play, and just being able to emphasize our roleplay in battle is a rare event that most players appreciate.

This subclass enables us to attempt bold stunts, berate our foes, and typically turn our combats into such a performance.

Category Skills

  • Rogue with charisma
  • Improved sneak attack
  • Quick on your feet

Let me start by stating that Spiderman is an amazing illustration of a swashbuckler 5e, but I should probably concentrate on a simpler sell, such as Inigo Montoya.

The fact that such a subclass’s charisma is so strongly emphasized is inter and what makes this character thrilling to perform if in or out of combat.

So let’s talk about how your charisma enhances your abilities as a rogue.

You receive the ability to add your charisma variable to your action plan roll as when you take this subclass at 3rd level.

A rogue normally is in the effort’s lead effort with just an impressive skill variable to add to their rolls. With your two highest ability results enhancing your initiative, you’re nearly certain to have the dominant position on everyone.

Xanathar’s Guide:

We can see a big capacity that tends to put our charisma in the focus at the 9th level. The Panache feature is defined in Xanathar’s guide as your “charm has become incredibly compelling.”

You attempt to convince a creature that can listen and fully comprehend you. The result of effective persuasion is decided by the extent to which the creature is rude and aggressive to you.

When they are hostile, they will participate in one combat. Primarily, you evoke them into being so focused upon you as a threat that they are at an exclusion when assaulting anyone else.

Obtaining the big bad to concentrate on you begins to feel like such a classic hero transfer to me. Even Captain America may be seen supplying this type of speech before such a big fight to go one-to-one with whatever heinous villain is risking the day. What I like about this move seems to be the variety it offers.


You’re not going to be saying, “Hey! Each time you desire to utilize this feature, say “Fight me!” Rather, you’ll be supplying insults, threats, dares, and prolonged speeches. Each villain in your experience will display you with such a new opportunity for using your phrases as weapons.

You can use this capacity on non-hostile creatures as well. Rather than arousing them, you charm them. The creature presently regards you as a pleasant companion and is charmed.

Trying to move on from charisma, there is yet another way by which this character performs best in single combat, and also in overall, combat. At a third level, you obtain an extra use situation for your surprise attack, which can alter the dynamics of a rogue.


A rogue typically requires benefit against their target, or even for their target to be located within 5 feet of some other enemy of the goal, not rendered immobile, and not needing drawback on them.

Essentially, you get an advantage against them, or being close to an ally (the opponent of my opponent is my friend logic) allows you to release a “sneak attack.”

It’s a bit perplexing, and also most sneak strikes have nothing stealthy about them, but we don’t mind having that additional damage.

The swashbuckler 5e adds a new situation: you could sneak attack when you are within 5 feet of your target, neither any creatures are well within 5 feet of you, and you do not have a disadvantage on the strike roll.

Put simply, if you capture your target alone, you deal sneak strike damage once for each turn. This ability is great on its own. With every spin, you’re almost guaranteed to take extra damage.

You do not even, of course, miss out on other sneak circumstances. Unless you are outmatched by foes, incorporating each of the conditions implies that the majority of your bases are protected.

Consider this: you’re creeping if it’s only you and your foe; you’re going to sneak if an ally receives within 5 feet of your foe, and you’re sneaking when you have a benefit for any reason.


If you perform your cards properly, you’ll never need to miss out on your reward d6s.

So we’re charismatic duelists who place a high value on one combat. This could place us at hazard for a rogue. We depend on stealth to maintain ourselves secure; how are we going to participate in single combat as well as take the harm that arrives with it?

Every one of the skills plays a role here. Another capacity we obtain at 3rd level is trickery, which inhibits a creature from attempting to make chance attacks against all of us if we’ve already created a melee strike against them during this turn.

This ability is also known as strike and run. When merged with the main class’s capacity to dash, keep hiding, or disconnect as a reward action, we can almost totally go anywhere we want without result.


At the 13th level, we still get graceful maneuvers, which also enables us all to take a bonus activity to make preparations for acrobatics or athletics check so we can roll with benefit. You have to be imaginative to put this ability.

It’s highly unlikely that you will be trying to make an acrobatics inspection without first throwing an idea to your DM. Even so, if you are creative, there are numerous exciting options.

Then you’ll clip a halyard to ascend atop a sail-like Jack Sparrow, or perhaps you’ll try any of the stunts performed by Inigo Montoya and the Dread Pirate Roberts.

The swashbuckler subclass will enable you to fight in any way you desire.


When there would seem to be a pleasant spread of characteristics as you level up, acquiring them at the third, ninth, thirteenth, and seventeenth levels, this category can be very top-heavy. Although the characteristics of rogue subclasses are distributed evenly, once we evaluate this subcategory on a weighted level, it heavily relies on earlier levels.

Third, we obtain two characteristics and, largely, three skills. This is a point during which we safeguard ourselves from chance threats and enhance our action and sneak attack circumstances.

Afterward on, the 9th level gives us Panache, which also allows us all to focus on one-on-one battle and/or just use charm. Having followed that, we’ll examine a few slight features that will enable you to spice up your combat.

The last two features supplied by this subclass are outstanding, however, they are not necessarily capstone material. In reality, if I decided to switch between the first and last two, I probably wouldn’t see any considerable power imbalance.

More about this:

So we acquire cool skills right away, which is also not always a good thing, right? No, it doesn’t.

It does not need to be, but it may be aggravating. Part of the enjoyment of power leveling is having anything to look forward to, if the features on the horizon are not anything more exciting than just what you’re already continuing to work with, there’s little reason to remain in this class.

Unless there is, even though sneak strike damage scales with level as well as the main rogue class continue to keep supplying beneficial properties as you level up.

If you tried to switch to another class at, say, 10th level, you will indeed lose 5d6 sneak strike damage, in addition to blindsense, elusive, slipping mind, and a few other essential rogues features.

Since this subclass is so incredible, it can be a double-edged weapon as soon as you begin using it.

You’ll become one of the most important members of your party initially. If you do not even create quality use of your later skills, you could well find yourself left in the dust as your team members enhance.

Solution of the problem:

This is one of the best problems you can still have. Most campaigns will not advance your previous level 14, so you won’t have to be concerned about this.

Truthfully, you can fix this by trying to make smart use of feats, or maybe by multiclassing if you select an option that tries to balance something you’d be starting to lose on with the rogue class, another upper subclass may be a great idea.

On some other note, I see a large number of individuals going to play their swashbuckler 5e as gunslingers. Although it may appear attractive to turn your swashbuckler 5e into a savvy gunman, be aware that fancy footwork necessarily requires melee attacks to protect you from chance attacks.

Moreover, the rest of your characteristics rely more heavily upon the close-combat; if you’re going to look for a likable gunslinger, easily move on to a class or subclass that favored ranged weapons and collaborate from there.

The DnD Languages Ranking and Tier System:

Color as well as Tier ranking are remarkably beneficial when attempting to digest a large amount of data. In our excellent series of 5e class guides, we use the color rating scheme:

Red – C Tier. Red choices can be situationally useful and provide a compelling narrative choice, however, they are generally less efficient than some other tiers.

Green – B Tier. Solid but just not completely essential for a build, or Green can be extremely good but only for very particular situations.

Blue tier. This is a great option. Largely viewed as strong in some way, useful, and extremely effective.

Purple – S Tier. The peak of our rankings. Impartially powerful or transformative in some way. No selection in DnD is needed, but these options seem to be worth seriously contemplating when generating your character.

Our goal here is to supply you with scannable but detailed guides as you create your character.

While we may tend to refer to informal or homebrew content to demonstrate a point (or simply because it is so too cool to just not discuss), every option we recommend is legal inside the official DnD 5e rules since published by Wizards of the Coast.

Race Options:

Swashbuckler rogues seem to be primarily close combat combatants with a charismatic edge. We’re going to look for a raise to our dexterity and then to our charisma, a wonderful combination. Having followed that, we’re going to look for anything that can complement our playstyle.

If you wish to learn spellcasting in just about any build you can, choose to use a class based on race spells. Whether you’re itching to get a little sword fighting in, choose one class for whom martial skills fit the swashbuckler archetype.

The very next races, in my view, are suitable for being swashbuckler 5e:


+2 DEX and +1 CHA Drs are options for rogues even though they evoke a dark, edgy vibe. They get a variety of useful abilities, the most noteworthy of which is spellcasting, with the ability to cast shadows even before you attain the 5th level. One note of caution, however: the drow racial group has a built-in drawback anytime you or your target has been in sunlight, which eliminates A lot of opportunities for surprise attacks.

Human variant-

+1 two skills of your selection (DEX and CHA). I generally avoid variant humans as much as possible even though I find them dull. However, they can always be utilized to create a fantastic character, as well as the ability to select a feat at 1st level would be hard to pass up. A swashbuckler 5e can enjoy a variety of feats, and starting to plan whether you’ll construct them is a good choice.

Tabaxi has a +2 DEX and a +1 CHA. To be truthful, I presume tabaxi was specifically designed for this subclass or at least rogues overall. They are amazingly fast, and therefore can effectively quadruple their speed by incorporating the dash action as well as feline agility. Also, they have built-in stealth competency. They can also employ their claws to climb. Okay, and the last part is just cool, but even so. This race seems to have a lot to offer.

Tiefling (Dispater, Glasya) +1 DEX, +2 CHA These two bloodlines are suitable for swashbucklers. This setup would highlight charisma and is most likely the best way to integrate spellcasting into your design. This is particularly the case evaluating that both of these subraces get some outstanding stealthy spells to add to your arsenal.

Options in Skill:

We normally choose these predicated on our strongest stats, and even though going a different path based on how you intend to roleplay isn’t a bad idea, particularly since having to add your competency bonus may accommodate for a less-than-optimum ability modifier.

Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Harassment, Inquiry, Perception, Achievement, Encouragement, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth are the four skills obtainable to rogues.

Rogues have an insane number of abilities to select from, and beginning out now with four proficiencies (without contemplating race or background) is unstoppable.

Acrobatics (DEX) – This skill is crucial for a rogue, particularly with your Elegant Maneuvers at the 13th level.

Athletics (STR) – Not as essential as acrobatics, but still it contributes beautifully to Elegant Maneuvers, therefore we be aware of it.

Deception (CHA) – This is among our least effective charisma options.

Insight (WIS) – Assign this to a member of the party with deep intelligence.

While this doesn’t relate directly to your skills, it fits the topic of a swashbuckler 5e flawlessly. It’s a popular pattern for swashbucklers to frighten others with brave (if highly unrealistic) claims.


Investigation This applies to a specific variety of rogues.

Perception (WIS) – Perception is a valuable technique to have, but it’s not required.

Performance (CHA) – Most of your combats might very well appear to be performances, and in certain cases, you might want to have them count as such. Use only this for a highly specific build/plan.

Persuasion (CHA).  100% yes. You are a compelling character.

Sleight of Hand (DEX) – Perhaps. This expertise is better suited to a particular build, and it is most frequently obtained by a specific variety of bards, like a thief or scout.

Stealth (DEX) – Every time useful for rogues, even when you’re the least stealthy of the rogue archetypes.

Background Choices:

The rogue class contains us with a wealth of skills. Although we must still look for good ability proficiency, we could indeed put a bit more focus on other benefits that background can also provide.

Moreover, when we’ve decided on a background, we could indeed greatly adorn it. A significant portion of being a swashbuckler 5e is experiencing a reputation that chooses to speak for itself, even though you assisted to create it.

Each of these characters, which include Starlord, Captain Jack Sparrow, and the Dread Pirate Roberts (yes, again), have a genuine backstory with plenty of adorned stories to attack fear into the souls of men.

Pirate – Athletic and compelling abilities. This represents the sailor background; a pirate is simply a variant form. Selecting the variations form suggests that you may get away with minor infractions while maintaining a negative reputation. Even if you are not an evil character, this may be beneficial. Having a strong reputation is beneficial in a variety of circumstances.

Gladiator – Acrobatics and achievement ability. This offers you a great way to boost your revenue, in addition, to access to that an unusual but cheap weapon instead of playing instruments this is a derivative of an entertainer). Find a fight club or hole and start engaging in some thrilling one-on-one battles to earn a regular income.

Mercenary Veteran-

Expertise in Athletic and Persuasion skills. This is largely a more interesting edition of the soldier backstory, linking you to a fascinating sell-sword life. To just be genuine, I put it this so that you could construct Inigo Montoya… you’re encouraged. I just actually realized that a few of you wanting to read this may not have seen The Princess Dignity. Give yourself a favor and see the film before assuming this role. Recognize it as compulsory reading.

The Urban Bounty Hunter, Smuggler, Criminal, and City Watch perspectives are also worth noting. Each offers either amazing skills, language options, an exciting backstory, or a mix of all three.

Rogue swashbuckler 5e Progression:

Features computed directly through the Rogue class seem as in Orange, while features acquired through the swashbuckler 5e archetype subcategory can seem in Pink.

Finishing up the Character Sheet (Level 0):

Hit Dice; 1d8 hit dice per Rogue level

Hit points at 1st level; At the first level, you have 8 hit points plus your Constitution modifier.

Top Level Hit Points: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution variable per rogue level after the initial.


Armor; Light armor was being used.

Weapons; Simple weapons, touch crossbows, longswords, rapiers, and shortswords are accessible.

Tools; Thieves tools

Saving throws; Flexibility and Intellectual ability save throws

Skills; Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth are the four classifications available.


Furthermore to the tools provided by your background, you begin with the following:

  • (a) either a rapier or (b) a shortsword
  • (a) a short bow and 20-arrow quiver or (b) a shortsword
  • (a)burglar’s pack, a dungeoneer’s pack, or (b) spelunker’s pack
  • Two daggers, leather armor, and a thieving tool.

First-Level Expertise:

Select abilities or thieves’ techniques inside which you excel. The competency bonus for such skill checks has already been increased.

Surprise attack:

You receive additional damage once you land a surprise attack on someone, according to the table above. Sneak strikes involve the usage of a weapon with long-range or finesse skills.

If you possess a benefit over your goal or some other opponent of the target is well within 5 feet of it, they are not paralyzed, and you possess a benefit over them, the attack qualifies as a surprise attack.

Thieves Cant:

You comprehend Thieves’ Cant.

Thieves Cant is a fascinating language used only by thieves to connect secret codes in the DnD globe. Dialects, jargon, and nonsense phrases are employed to hold a conversation, and signs and hidden indications are employed to convey simple nonverbal cues.

Second Level Superb Method:

During each of your spins, you could take a reward action to Dash, Disconnect, or Keep hiding. This enables you to move more openly all around the battlefield than the ordinary combatant, offering you so many possibilities for surprise attacks.

The Roguish’s Third Level Archetype:

At three levels, you can select the roguish archetype swashbuckler 5e.

Elegant Footwork: If you attack a monster with a close combat attack, they cannot attack you with a chance attack for the remainder of your turn. This is incredibly beneficial when used in combination with Dash in a Devious Action.

Rakish Arrogance:

When you can choose this type of character, you can add your Charisma modifier to your innovative roll in addition to any other modifiers you might well have.

Furthermore, you receive a new condition that allows you to execute sneak attacks. You can still use your Stealth Attack against a monster if you’re within 5 feet of it, neither any creatures are all within 5 feet of you, and you do not have a disadvantage just on the attack roll.

Consistent Aim (Optional):

You have an advantage on the next attack roll this spin if you give it up all of your moves in a turn.

ASI 4th Level:

You can boost one skill by two points or two abilities by one. You can also choose a feature; if you currently have outstanding stats, this is a fantastic choice.

Unsettling evasion in 5th grade:

If you recognize your attacker before those who hit you, you could use your reaction to cut the harm in half.

6th Grade Expertise:

You have to add expert knowledge to two more thief skills or techniques.

7th Grade Exit Exam:

When trying to make a Skill saving throw to start taking half harm from an effect, you presently take no destruction if you find success and half injury if you fail.

Hellish Rebuke, for example, requires a dexterity saving throw from the target.

A failure saves generally results in 2d10 house fires, while an effective save tends to result in half the harm. A failure to save rather results in half harm, while an effective save outcomes in no damage.

Be aware that this capacity does not affect other impacts of a skill-saving throw, like being knocked prone.

ASI 8th Grade

Panache in grade 9:

By creating a Persuasion inspection against their Insight check, you can convince a non-hostile target or goad an aggressive target into focusing on you.

If you succeed on a non-hostile target, it is amused for 1 minute or until you or your allied forces damage it. Again for time being, the target considers your request courteous.

When you succeed in making a check against a hostile target, the target receives drawback even against creatures except you and is unable to make advantage attacks against them. This effect lasts for one minute, or until you and the aim are much more over 60 feet apart, until either one of your companions threats or casts a spell on the goal.

Tenth level:


11th Grade Dependability:

For any capacity checks to that you would relate your competency bonus, rolls of 9 or decrease can be handled as a 10. To be evident, this ability has no impact on attack rolls or saving throws.

12th Grade


Elegant 13th-Grade Trick:

You can take a bonus activity on your spin to gain a benefit on the next Acrobatics or Athletics check you start making that turn.

14th Grade Ignorance:

You can discover any concealed or undetectable creatures within 10 feet of you so long you can hear.

Mind Slippery in 15th Grade:

Your Knowledge saving throws improve.

16th Grade


Duelist Master at Level 17:

If an attack roll keeps failing, you can reroll this with an advantage. You will not be allowed to utilize this feature again unless you have finished a short or lengthy rest.

Elusive Level 18th:

As long as you are not immobilized, no strike roll has a benefit over you.

Level 19:


20th level

A lucky break:

If your strike misses a target inside the range, you can transform it into a hit. If you fail an ability inspection, the d20 roll can be handled as a 20.

You will not able to utilize this feature once more unless you have completed a short or long rest.

Extras Available

With six levels to select from, rogues have the 2nd most ASIs/feats of any class. Besides that, as discussed in the restrictions section, there is a lot of space to enhance and customize this subclass via feats.

It’s a smart option to use ASIs for two of six and four feats. You must stick to a particular build instead of picking three feats that collaborate well by themselves.

To enhance your battle potential, get Trying to fight Initiate (dueling), Defensive Duelist, Piercer, and Martial Adept if you want to focus exclusively on melee combat to your rapier.

The following are great choices for the rogue swashbuckler 5e.

Trying to fight Initiate –

The ability to pick a fighting style offers the swashbuckler a range of options, varying from increasing AC to raising damage output.

Defensive Duelist – This is a fantastic way to increase your AC if you’re using a finesse weapon.

Piercer / Slasher – Each of these feats keeps improving your ability to attack with the affiliated damage sort and gives you 1 dexterity point (or strength).

Martial Adept – The fight expert fighter subclass’s movements mix well with that of the swashbuckler, enabling you to perform remarkable stunts in combat.

There are several other options, such as Disarming Strike, Riposte, and Parry. If you enjoy all of the choices, you could even take it multiple times for soft different classifiers.

Magic Initiate –

Get this just as quickly as possible whether you’re looking for spells. You should select a charisma caster, and I suggest Warlock for two reasons. Eldritch and Blast Eldritch blast is a fantastic cantrip to keep on hand at all times.

That said, you must also take Booming Blade, a cantrip that enhances more loss to your close combat attacks, layering on top of your possibility of sneak strike damage for a lot of dice rolling at once.

I suppose a 5th-level swashbuckler grasping a booming rapier could very well deal 1d8 (weapon) +3d6 (sneak) +1d8 (cantrip) for a total of 34, with another 2d8 coming in after the attack. When it comes to spells, go with your gut instinct. I like to use Unseen Servant to create openings for sneak attacks.

Mounted Combatant

It may appear counterproductive, and yet riding a mount is among the most reliable methods for gaining a benefit. To get initiated, all you require is a large amount.

Eldritch Adept – Whether you can choose Eldritch Blast with Magic Initiate or not, you can add a variety of user requests to your arsenal.

For a swashbuckler searching for more magic in their life, Shroud of Shadow, Repelling Blast, One with Shadows, Mask of Many Faces, and others are all good picks.

Fey Touched – Rises your charisma with one point and enables you to use Misty Step and then another divination or enchantment cast once per day. The misty step is wonderful for moving fast across the map, and possessing the alternative to quickly move is ideal for a backed-up swashbuckler.

Rogue swashbuckler 5e Building

When deciding ability scores for the following phrase build, we were using the basic set of results offered in the PHB (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8). The only levels noted for the reasons of these builds would be those where you will be allowed to choose where your adventurer grows.

Race; Tabaxi is a race.

History: Gladiator

Ability scores; STR 10, DEX 16, CON 13, INT 8, WIS 12, and CHA 16 are the ability scores.

Skills; Perception, Stealth, Acrobatics, Performance, Athletics, Intimidation, Persuasion, and Sleight of Hand are examples of skills.

Language Abilities: Common, Goblin, and Thieves’ Cant

Tools; Thieves’ Tools, Disguise Kit, and a violin are some of the tools available.

A rapier, a short bow, a quiver of 20 arrows, a burglar’s pack, leather armor, two daggers, invaders’ tools, a paddle (unusual but cost-effective weapon), a handwritten letter, an outfit, and a belt pouch containing 15 GP are all available.

First-Level Knowledge:

We’ll begin by honing our skills in persuasion and acrobatics.

4th Level:


Heading for a martial-focused construction, we’ll begin with Piercer. We’ll boost our dexterity to 17, in addition, to gaining a few wonderful abilities, such as the capacity to reroll our weapon harm once per turn.

Expertise at the 6th level:

Intimidation and stealth both are good alternatives for our next bout of expertise.

8th Level:


Let’s add a +2 to our dexterity, helping to bring us up to 19 for a +4 modifier.

10th Level:


We could indeed pick up Defending Duelist for an uplift to our AC while using our dexterity weapons by dividing the distinction between our 9th and 13th-level features.

12th Level:


Because once we start utilizing our charisma for Panache at the 13th level, let’s boost it by two so that we have a +4 modifier.

16th Level:


We could use martial extremely proficiently to perform an impressive maneuver. I chose the disarming strike maneuver since it feels like a three musketeers maneuver.

19th Level:


Even though martial adept only grants you one supremacy die, I’ll take the very same feat again. I’ll use Riposte this moment for a fun response attack.


So I affected this earlier inside the limitations section. Whenever it comes to multiclassing, the swashbuckler 5e introduces an intriguing opportunity.

If we decide to multiclass a character, we are going to agree to forego some skills. Any rogue class makes it particularly difficult to give up levels because we end up losing not only features and also sneak attack damage advancement.

That said, there are countless ways to enhance our characters, and if feats are not cutting it for you, recognize multiclassing.

Because our characters are predicated on dexterity and charisma. We have 2 alternatives: a dexterity-based combatant or a charisma-based magic user. Each of these options will suffice. But I’ll concentrate on two of them specifically to prove how a multiclass swashbuckler might excel.

Fighter (Battle Master)-

When we take levels in this class, we’re going for a dexterity-based fighter. The battle master provides us with nearly everything we could want in terms of combat feats, and even more to round out our combat experience.

There are a few options for how our characters will appear at the 20th level. We can take 17 rogue levels (for our Master Duelist capstone feature) and 3 fighter levels (enough to take the battle master subclass).

Alternatively, we can divide the difference by taking 13 levels in rogue (the second to last subtype feature). And 7 levels in combatant (up to the 2nd subclass feature)


The first alternative adds a forced-to-fight style, 3 maneuvers, and an action surge. As well as a second wind to the large percentage of our rogue and swashbuckler 5e features. We’re largely communicating one ASI, two features, and 1d6 sneak attack damage for significantly more skilled combatants.

We can take fighter levels anytime we want, but we’ll probably want to put it on hold until after the 9th level when we get panache. The second option is much more balanced, so it appears to be an excellent way to split the variation. Less focus is placed on the swashbuckler 5e, yet we still see a lot of them.

Plus, we’re even now getting 6 ASIs, so it doesn’t appear we’re lacking out on much.

The extra strikes at the 5th level fighter, along with the addition of two more maneuvers. And a new feature on the 7th is more than recompense for any efforts made at later rogue levels.

Warlock (Hex Blade)-

The hex blade will allow us to cast some nasty spells while still focusing on melee combat. We’ll probably want to begin this build by preferring our charisma score over our dexterity. Both should be higher than 13, but the hex blade allows us to use charisma with our weapons instead of strength or dexterity.

We’ll need to get a full 7-level dip into this class, even if a 3 or even 1-level dip would suffice. If we start deciding to begin casting spells, we wish to be able to accomplish as much as possible.

Reaching the 7th level unlocks 4th-level spell slots and grants access to 4 eldritch invocations.

We’ll like to take the agreement of the blade at our third level as a warlock. This means allowing us to summon up our weapons out of thin air (inter-dimensional space). And enables us to use exciting requests like Eldritch Smite and Enhanced Pact Weapon to enhance our melee harm, which remains our main focus.

More about Warlock-

Warlock is quite well known for awarding Eldritch Blast on anybody who requires a level. But keeping out longer and gaining the advantages of a hex blade is the better alternative. You can boost your swashbuckling prowess while using your newly found access to spellcasting (pact magic).

Aside: I’d want to suggest Davey Jones, or a fictional version of him, as your patron. Please inform me if you decide to generate this character!

Swashbuckler 5e Rogue: A Beginner’s Guide:

Very well pirate leaps from the crow’s nest to encounter his adversary. As he graciously slides down a rope, he begs his opponents to surrender now, already when things turn ugly.

The masked figure reaches the corrupt sheriff, rapier in hand. He tosses a second sword at the shivering villain, encouraging a fair fight to even the most disgraceful of scum.

In the darkness lurks a halfling. When she has seen an opening, she leaps out to strike, only to fade away into the darkness again.

The popularity of swashbuckler 5e:

Swashbucklers, or the idea of swashbuckler 5e, are widespread in popular culture. Nearly every single action hero is influenced either by brave, charming, and skillful characters of romantic fiction or folklore.

The best-known swashbuckler 5e is very often thought of as a pirate and scoundrel Possibly best depicted as a swordsman with feathered cavalier hats.

While characters include Inigo Montoya and Jack Sarrow. And D’Artagnan may every so often get in conflict with the law, those who are the heroes of their stories.

These rogues are using their charisma to deflect attention from their opponents and encourage their allies. They utilize their mastery of a sword, or any weapon for just that matter, and save the day and triumph in any battle.

Swiftness, Elegance, and Charm:

The swashbuckler 5e class obtains a slew of wonderful abilities, creating this one of the best rogue subclasses. Remarkably, instead of hiding in the shadows, this rogue archetype concentrates on one combat.

We gain access to a special sneak strike condition as shortly as we take this subcategory. Rather than requiring benefit on our target or that they should be within 5 feet of some other enemy. We now can successfully sneak strike whether we are within five feet of our target or nobody else.

The interaction of sneak attacks is changed by this original state. We’re now trying to deal more harm simply as we have someone all to ourselves. If we play our cards properly, we must be able to do it every time.

That’s where quick feet, elegance, and charm come into the equation. The remainder of our features all add value to our goal of direct combat. The third level offers us more than just a not-so-sneaky sneak attack.

Close combat attack;

We also obtain the potential to ignore opportunity attacks from creatures against which we have decided to make a close combat attack.

We must have no difficulties fleeing that now rogues can splash as a bonus action. To not mention that we eventually gain a characteristic that gives us a benefit on acrobatics and athletics checks. It’s the class to take if we wish to perform sophisticated stunts.

In aspects of charm, our ninth-level ability provides us with an exciting characteristic focused on persuasion. We can successfully prompt a foe into having to fight only us. Or we may charm a non-hostile monster into becoming a friendly acquaintance. Our charming qualities and quips enable us to be more capable of adapting to any situation, both during and after combat.

The Art of the Sword:

It’s about dealing harm when the swashbuckler is present on the battlefield. This is the kind of individual who selects a target, dispatches them, and increases through the ranks.

Rather than being a heavy-hitting tank like the barbarian, this rogue archetype employs a hit-and-run strategy. Because deft evasion is such a crucial component of the swashbuckler’s fighting style. It stands to reason that they will do everything within their authority to position themselves where they must be on the battlefield.

This character would not frequently put themselves at hazard. But they will do what it takes to remove the threat when their allied forces are in danger. Discovering a happy medium between single combat and employing an ally to create sneak attacks will be essential.


There are countless good examples of swashbuckler 5e combat in the initial Pirates of the Caribbean film. My favorite battle scene is one of the later ones. We view deft footwork, elite evasion, and a lot of panache used to put their foes on the defensive.

Each one of these characters fits the archetype. And we see them trying to deliver strong attacks through open battle even while employing their allies when feasible.

Confidence and bravado:

The swashbuckler 5e rogue, just like any other charismatic character, provides an exciting chance for roleplay. The swashbuckler attitude dominates almost every on-screen hero we see every day.

Being able to speak during a battle, using threats as well as quips as their range of weapons, encourages interaction in the process.

Roleplaying amid combat can be challenging to sell to most other characters. Rather, it was already built in!

Furthermore, such charisma does not fade away when the swords are sheathed. This kind of character, like any other dashing character we see in the film as well as in other media, will proceed to boast, brag, quip, and so on.

So set a course, don your feathered cap, and start preparing as many one-liners as you’ll need. This will be a fascinating character for you. Sharpen your cooking skills as well as your tongue. And, like always, safe travels.