If anyone wants more information about suggestion 5e, Don’t worry this content is for you. Read the whole article with full attention.


What is a suggestion 5e?

In DnD: Fifth Edition, suggestion 5e is a second spell. It arrives first from the School of Enchantment and, as the title indicates, allows the player to push a character to perform a specific action.

Suggestions are just not Charms.

Even so, creatures resistant to mesmerizing are highly resistant to its implications. A suggestion could also compel a creature to perform anything that is certainly and instantly hazardous to it.

Attempting to suggest self-immolation, stabbing itself, or anything similar will cause the spell to end prematurely.

If the spell is effective, the influenced creature will try its best to accomplish the goal. The maximum time of an effective spell cast is eight hours. If the task does not occupy the entire period of the spell, the spell is completed when the task is accomplished. Players also can clarify circumstances for fulfilling the task, such as “give the money to the initial beggar you view.”

If the condition is satisfied by the time the spell is near to end, the spell is completed without finishing the task.

A suggestion is a higher-level version of Control in addition to a lower-level version of spells such as Geas. It is an advancement over Orders in that Command requires the player to compress their task as one word, although Suggestion allows for several sentences.

It also loses the oomph provided by Geas, who captivates a monster for 30 days and tries to force it to follow your commands while amused.

Who Could Make a Cast Suggestion?

At level 3, Bards, Sorcerers, Warlocks, Wizards, and Knowledge Domain Clerics allow entry to the Suggestion spell. Eldritch Knights and Arcane Tricksters both can immediately cast the spell when those who reach the tenth level gain entry to 3rd-level spell slots.

It’s highly suitable for the Bards and Arcane Tricksters, who will chat their way to and from different situations all through a campaign.

In contrast, someone with a high enough spellcasting modifier will be preparing to make outstanding use of it. Eldritch Knights and Arcane Tricksters who are not going to be focusing on their spellcasting may wish to skip this spell in favor of something even more destructive.

How and when should I take suggestion 5e?

Suggestion contains far more roleplay than battle uses. This spell usually works on a character who provides the group’s “face.” Then again, a brooding warlock who just never speaks to unknown people will never be in a position to instruct people on how to proceed.

The suggestion is extremely effective in advertising using mystery-solving or details assembling as the main plot point. A suggestion 5e will be better left just on the sidelines in highly combat-focusing games in favor of more combat spells.

A suggestion 5e is a fun spell to add to every spell list, however, its flavor is very Bardic. Bards were assumed to sway viewers and be charismatic people-readers, comparable to a rockstar but in the Middle Ages. As a result, the Suggestion spell could be useful within the limitations of their category flavor.

The suggestion is also helpful for Arcane Tricksters, as well as its flavor fits their class.

However, due to a lack of great casting support for “sub-caster” classifications, they will obtain Suggestion far later than their caster-focused predecessors; this doesn’t imply that those classes are inaccurate, but they are martial-focusing.

The suggestion 5e can capture by casting-focused players so because a spell is too simple to resist if your casting variable is too low.

Where you can use suggestion 5e:

For players. suggestion 5e has a lot of uses for the collection of data. Find someone who appears posh and well-read and politely request that they tell you everything they know about the situation.

Keep in mind that Suggestions must be employed for a mild request. If you push the character to perform anything suicidal, the spell will cease quickly. When it’s used in combat, it’s particularly crucial to ensure your phrasing reflects the above, or your DM could call an end to your spell.

So because the spell loses a somatic element, it is not readily apparent that you are going to cast a spell. The reality that the character is not aware of the spell or is violent when it comes to an end lends assistance to this interpretation.

One benefit of suggestion 5e is the mixture of triggers that may be set in advance, in addition to the fact that now the target does not oppose the caster once the spell expires.

As mentioned in the PHB, this implies that you can recommend to a knight that she offers her warhorse to the initial beggar she observes, and presuming you meet a beggar, she’ll be neither the cleverer that she felt obliged to do so due to a spell.

Ensure that, you have some backup concepts for suggestion users for Dungeon Masters. A DM can inhibit a player from mistreating the Suggestion spell in so many ways. The most apparent and noticeable one is to falsify the rolls, however, this is a particularly controversial idea for some.

If you don’t want or can’t flavor the dice, you’ll like to think about it and perceive the command in a manner that corresponds to the tone and circumstances of your campaign.

Creative Applications:

  • Social Maneuvering: Convince a guard to let you pass, or a merchant to lower their prices.
  • Misdirection: Suggest to an enemy that they should attack their own allies.
  • Temporary Alliances: Induce a rival faction to temporarily cease hostilities.

Suggestion is a versatile spell with a wide range of applications in social encounters and combat situations.

Examples of reasonable suggestions:

  • “Open the door.”
  • “Give me the key to the chest.”
  • “Leave the room.”


The spell states that such an affected character must follow the orders to the highest of their abilities, although it does not state that they need to interpret the order exactly as the captain.

If you do not like falsifying dice, it’s crucial to perceive the truth for you and your gamers. For instance, if a player needs to cast “Suggestion” and says, “Tell me what your task is,” and you don’t know how to respond since this is an unnamed NPC in a bar, take into account that “towards the best of their ability” doesn’t say they can’t lie and declares they’re a “spider professor” or some such equally silly.

Another method of interpreting the Suggestion is determining if the affected character wants to believe it harms their ego.

What is the reason someone is hesitant to tell somebody? Are they terrified?

The spell doesn’t state that those who must possess a genuine probability will die as an outcome of the spell, just that they do not have to perform it if it would go against their identity.

Along with a sense of presumption and fear can help to set the tone for your players. To maintain them on their feet, even if the final result is unconvincing. It needs to keep the players on their toes, going to wait for the shoe to drop — even if there is not one to fall to start with.

Recall that Detect Magic can discover a spell’s effect on a character even when the spell itself is unnoticeable. This is one way for DMs to use Suggestion 5e  without truly casting it upon the players!

They can give rise to the players as a source of data or a foe by needing them to obey a trail of Suggestion-afflicted characters!

Spells that work well with Suggestion:


A player who attains the spell Bane can enable the Suggestion caster by enforcing a 1d4 reduction just on saving throw against Suggestion.

Strengthen Abilities:

Improve Ability can counteract an NPC casting Suggestion 5e  on a player. Someone could use Enhance Ability to help the influenced character in rescuing.


Bless, like Improve Ability, is commonly by opponents who have Suggestion 5e in their toolset. In addition, bless tends to work in the reverse direction as Bane, adding 1d4 to the sum of saving throws and strike rolls.

Is suggestion 5e Valuable?

Suggestion 5e is a strong utility spell that is frequently ignored due to its apparent versatility. The capacity to oblige a benign activity has two purposes. It has the potential to gather essential information which the party does not yet have. And to decide which actions to take the goal believes to be the most dangerous.

To be genuine, the primary benefit of Suggestion is its low-priced threshold. It’s a second-level spell, so the expense of failure isn’t too high. It is a likewise low-cost threshold upon achievement; you’ve started spending anything to gain knowledge.

Suggestion’s undetectability and non-cleanability are also big benefits. A suggestion isn’t a curse, as it does not cause a status impact, therefore it cannot be cleaned up with a renovation spell like Geas.

It also does not transform the target hostile to the caster whenever the spell ends. Suggesting that the target is entirely ignoring that they are impacted by a spell at all.

5 Reasonable DnD 5e Control Suggestions:

“Tell me about your job.”

A seemingly harmless request, but the one that may also be used to reveal “categorized” information. A character who is unwilling to reveal their job would be compelled to do so, but one who is unable to expose their job would not.

“Give me your cash.”

This one has both practical and special operations applications. While some may claim that “more cash, more troubles,” for the majority of us, the most money typically indicates more relaxation. A character who is not able to give you money would also expose that data.

“Don’t inform me how, but provide us with a cart and a horse.”

Yes. You can push somebody to steal for you by not informing you how or who those who stole it from. This is less probable to result in “can always do” as there are likely a variety of individuals from who they can grab a cart and horse.

“Keep shouting and wailing like you contain when I say [trigger word].”

This individual is just on the fence. If your place identifies for witch-hunting, your DM may rule that this falls under the self-preservation rule. However, in many setups, this is a sensible command that the player might employ to prove their power for maximum impact.

“Stop talking. Don’t say anything else unless I say so.”

You could always compel an NPC to quit speaking until you inform them to begin speaking again if they are satisfied. This one will never if ever, run into the barrier of a character that is unable to do so, however, that is up to your DM.

5 Irrational Commands:

“Mislead your captain.”

This command — and any variants of such — will typically result in the creature’s death, whether at your hands or the hands of their leader.

“Battle us.”

Nobody thinks that fighting you and your friends would not harm them.

“When you’ve finished helping us, climb off the bridge.”

You cannot publicly order individuals to commit suicide.

“Express your hidden past.”

Depending on the secret, this command is perceived as immediate, harmful, or even straight counter to a character’s identity.

“Tell the truth.”

A character may assume that lying to you constitutes an explicit request to murder, which is perceived as instantly harmful.

Suggestion 5e Frequently Asked Questions

Does the Suggestion target realize you’ve cast a spell on them?

It’s unclear if the target of Suggestion is conscious that you’ve cast a spell on them. The spell doesn’t state that now the target becomes hostile after the spell ends. So it is reasonable to assume that they’re unaware that the spell is cast or by whom.

Does suggestion 5e collaborate with Fey Ancestry?

No! You get an advantage on a rescuing throw to prevent being Accused if you possess Fey ancestry. The suggestion states that people who are immune to just being Charmed are resistant. The language of the spell, however, does not state that all this causes the Charmed situation. As a result, Fey Ancestry has no communication with it.

Can Suggestion 5e used during combat?

Yes, Suggestion 5e can be used in combat. However, the exact phrasing may be left to the discretion of the DM in aspects of what is regarded “immediately and harmful.”

What creates a reasonable Suggestion?

Everything that does not contradict the creature’s impulse for self-preservation is reasonable.’