Blood Hunter Class Details:

Blood Hunter

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Blood hunters are a martial class that uses a rare form of magic, o while you’ll want a high Intelligence score, you’ll also need a high primary damage score (Strength or Dexterity) and a high Constitution number. Armed with secretive blood magic.

He was reddening a finger in the blood of his wounds; a half-orc forms a bright ruby glyph in the air between himself and the gory monster facing him. He twists the meaningless emblem in his hands, releasing black energy that curses the monster’s blood.

A half-elf in a torn cloak and leather armor examines the aftermath of a road massacre, her eyes sparkling with recognition. She stands up suddenly, knowing precisely what beast committed the murder and where to go for it, as well as how long she has before it strikes again.

Stepping through dark halls full of ancient dust and murmurs, the halfling hears bone and claw scratching on surrounding stone. She winces as she sweeps her blade across her palm, turning blood and essence into glowing runes of potent magic to brand and scorch her opponents.

Blood hunters are shrewd warriors with a never-ending thirst for vengeance against evil. Using rituals of black blood magic and a willingness to give up life and humanity for the greater good, these warriors keep the world safe from evil while constantly on guard against succumbing to the same forces of evil they battle.

To Give One’s Life to Save Another:

Working in isolation from society’s critics, blood hunters have perfected the occult arts of Hemocraft because they have found its esoteric nature applicable against evils that defy heavenly rebuke or arcane bonds. Blood hunters hone the rites of Hemocraft into unique combat methods, forfeiting a portion of their health to cast blood curses down on their enemies or summon the elements to aid their attacks. These skilled warriors have fashioned themselves into a formidable force dedicated to defending the innocent by willing to suffer what it takes to achieve victory.

There Needs to be a Monster to Fight Monsters:

Every blood hunter has motivations for performing the ritual of the Hunter’s Bane that sets them on this path, whether they are the desire to make a difference, the need to take vengeance, or the desire to find a place to belong in an uncaring world. When one joins a group of blood hunters, they become part of a family united in their dedication to the order and the cause. For many, blood hunters are their only family, making their relationship nearly indestructible.

Yet, beyond the fraternity of their orders, a blood hunter’s life is fraught with difficulty. The ritual of the Hunter’s Bane might leave a character physically altered and susceptible to upsetting those nearby. Even the most well-educated people can succumb to superstitious anxieties after witnessing hemocraft. Even though many communities have grown to recognize the value of blood hunter orders, most members of these groups keep their true identities hidden unless necessary. They prefer the wilderness or the fringes of civilization, where they can defend the helpless from evildoers and the corrupting influence of demons.

Every blood hunter sacrifices a part of themselves to their cause, whether physically, emotionally, or ethically. Different blood-hunting sects adhere to other ideas and approaches, with some using procedures with murky histories designed to put their members through a grueling test of character. So many people, it seems, are fighting the fear of defeat. A blood hunter’s existence is of discipline and vigilance as they explore the countryside in quest of fellow adventurers and rumors of evil doings.

Making a Blood Hunter:

When designing your blood hunter, it’s essential to consider what compelled them to adopt such a life and what motivates them to forego all comforts to live in the shadows among the evils they seek. A sense of belonging and safety might be found in the organization that has taken you in. Have you always had a trace of sin, to the point that you seek kindred spirits who can keep you on the straight and narrow? Is it possible that you were once a holy warrior who fell from grace and was banished from your faith, despite your desire to devote yourself fully to the cause of defending the defenseless?

What is your relationship with the capabilities of hemocraft and the skills it promises? Do you revere and dread the ancient power that flows through your veins, accepting and wielding your gifts freely? Fear that you will become one of the monsters you hunt because of this power? Or, has your research given you the self-awareness and perspective to know that you can use your abilities for good?

Also, why did you abandon your order to go it alone? Do you plan to come back, or have you realized there is more to the world for you to discover? Finally, what qualities or skills do you want to find in your fellow adventurers?

While most vampire hunters pursue just what is good or neutral, others have given in to the dark and alluring side of hemocraft. Unfortunately, these blood hunters put their skills to use for evil.

How to make Blood Hunter quickly?

You can make a blood hunter quickly if you follow these tips. First, decide whether you wish to specialize in melee or ranged attacks by placing your most excellent ability score in Strength or Dexterity (or finesse weapons). Your second highest stat should be Intelligence if you want to maximize your blood curse and magical power, or Constitution if you’d rather have more health points to pay for more power. For step two, decide whether your character will have a soldier or urchin history.

Optional Rule: Multiclassing:

Here’s all you need to know about the blood hunter class if your group uses the Player’s Handbook’s multiclassing guidelines.

Minimum Score for Abilities. As a multiclass character, you must have a Strength or Dexterity score of 13 and an Intelligence score of 13 to advance in this class or another class if you are currently a blood hunter.

Competencies Acquired. Suppose blood hunter is not your initial class. In that case, you gain proficiency with light armor, medium armor, shields, primary weapons, martial weapons, and alchemist’s supplies when you reach your first level as a blood hunter.

Multiclassing using the Warlock class. Add one-third of your blood hunter levels (rounded down) to your warlock level, then reference the warlock progression chart in the Player’s Handbook for your total spell slots, cantrips known, and spell slot level. It would help if you considered aligning your Otherworldly Patron ability with both classes, but your DM may permit you to have two distinct patrons.

Score variant for Hemocraft Abilities:

As a blood hunter, your Intelligence modifier affects some class and subclass abilities. Therefore, with your DM’s permission, you may instead use your Wisdom modifier for any blood hunter abilities that typically use your Intelligence modifier.

Hit Points:

Hit Dice: 1d10 each blood hunter level

Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per blood hunter level beyond the first, plus 1d10 (or 6) for blood hunter level afterward.

Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier


Light armor, medium armor, and shields make up the armor

Simple weaponry and military weapons

Equipment: alchemist’s materials

Saving Throws: Agility and Intelligence

Select three from your skill points for skill points: Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, History, Insight, Investigation, Religion, and Survival.


In addition to the equipment provided by your background, you begin to play with the following items:

an offensive weapon or two simple weapons

a light crossbow and twenty bolts of spiked leather or scale mail

a set of explorer and alchemist equipment

Hunter’s Bane:

At 1st level, you have endured the Hunter’s Bane, a terrible, long-guarded ceremony that alters your Blood, forever linking you to the darkness and honing your senses against it. As a result, you have an advantage on Wisdom (Survival) tests made to track fey, fiends, or undead and on Intelligence checks made to recall information about such creatures.

The Hunter’s Bane also enables your body to manipulate and mold hemocraft magic, utilizing your Blood and life essence to fuel your talents. Some of your abilities require a saving throw to resist. The DC for the saving throw is computed as follows:

Hemocraft saving throw DC = 8 + your Proficiency bonus and your Hemocraft modifier (your choice between Intelligence or Wisdom)

Blood Malignancy:

Also, at 1st level, you have the power to channel, or occasionally sacrifice, a portion of your vital essence to curse and control creatures using hemocraft magic. You are familiar with one of the blood curses listed in the “Blood Curses” section of the class description. You gain access to an additional blood curse of your choosing at levels 6, 10, 14, and 18. Each time you acquire a new blood curse, you may swap one of your existing blood curses with a different one.

When you use Blood Maledict, you choose which curse to summon. You can choose to take necrotic damage equal to one roll of your hemocraft die when invoking a blood curse, but before it affects the victim. This damage cannot be mitigated in any manner. A curse that has been amplified acquires an additional impact, as detailed in the curse’s description. Bloodless creatures are resistant to blood curses unless the curse has been intensified.

After using this feature, you must complete a brief or lengthy rest before using it again. Then, beginning at the 6th level, you can cast Blood Maledict twice between rests, three times at the 13th level, and four times at the 17th level.

Fighting Method:

At the 2nd level, you specialize in a particular fighting style. First, select one of the following alternatives. You can choose not the Fighting Style option more than once, even if you subsequently have the opportunity to do so.


You receive a +2 bonus on attack rolls with ranged weapons.


You gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with a single-handed melee weapon when you have no other weapons.

Great Weapon Combat:

If you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for a two-handed melee weapon attack, you must reroll the die and use the new result. Two-handed or adaptable weapons grant this bonus.

Two-Weapon Combat:

When engaging in two-weapon combat, you can add your ability modifier to the second attack’s damage.

Purple Rite:

You also get the ability to imbue your weapon attacks with elemental energy at the second level. You can activate any rite you know on a weapon you are wielding as a bonus action. The influence of the ritual lasts until a short or extended rest is completed. You receive necrotic damage equal to a single roll of your hemocraft die whenever you activate a rite. This damage cannot be mitigated in any manner.

While the rite is active, hits with this weapon do extra damage equal to your hemocraft die of the specified type. A gun can only hold a single vibrant tradition at once. No other creatures can benefit from your ritual.

When you first get this ability, you select one of the crimson rituals listed below. Then, you learn an additional crimson rite at levels 7 and 14, respectively.

The Rite of Flame:

Your ritual’s additional damage is fire damage.

Ritual of the Frigid:

 Your ritual’s additional damage is cold.

The Rite of Storm:

Your ritual’s additional damage is lightning damage.

Ceremony of the Dead:

Your ritual’s additional damage is necrotic. (Prerequisite: Level 14)

The ritual of the Oracle:

Your ritual’s additional damage is psychic. (Prerequisite: Level 14)

Ceremony of the Roar:

Your ritual’s additional damage is thunder damage. (Prerequisite: Level 14)

Blood Hunter Order:

At the 3rd level, you choose an order of blood hunters whose philosophy will guide you for the rest of your life. These orders are described at the end of the class description. Your selection gets you features at the 7th level, 11th level, 15th level, and 18th level.

Ability Score Increase:

At the 4th level, 8th level, 12th level, 16th level, and 19th level, you can enhance one ability score of your choice by two or increase two by 1. As usual, using this ability, you cannot raise an ability score beyond 20.

Using the optional feats rule, you may forego this ability in favor of your chosen feat.

Extra Attack:

When taking the Attack action, you can now make two attacks per turn, up from one at lower levels.

Type of Instigation:

At the 6th level, when you damage with a weapon for which you have an active crimson rite, you can channel hemocraft magic to burn an arcane brand into that creature (no action required). As long as the branded animal is on the same plane, you will always know its location. Additionally, whenever the branded creature delivers damage to you or a creature you can see within 5 feet, it takes psychic damage equal to your Hemocraft modifier (minimum of 1).

Your brand lasts until you remove it or until you apply a brand to another creature using this ability. Your brand can be dispelled with dispel magic and is treated as a half-level spell equal to your blood hunter level (maximum 9th level). You cannot utilize this feature again until you have completed a short or lengthy rest.

Grim Psychometry:

You have a magical ability to perceive the secrets surrounding enigmatic relics and evil-affected locations when you reach the ninth level. You gain an advantage on Intelligence (History) checks made to learn the ominous or sad backstory of the thing you are touching or the location you are in. At the DM’s discretion, a sufficiently high score might lead your character to experience fleeting visions of the past tied to the object or location. These visions could be good or bad.

Darkening Enhancement:

At level 10, the power of demo craft infuses your body to increase your resilience permanently. In addition, you gain a bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws equal to your Hemocraft modifier (minimum +1).

Category of Tethering:

At level 13, the psychic damage dealt by your Mark of Castigation rises to double your Hemocraft modifier (minimum of 2). In addition, a creature that has been branded cannot perform the Dash action, and if it attempts to teleport or leave its current plane in any way, it gets 4d6 mental damage and must complete a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the teleportation or departure effort fails.

Hardened Spirit:

You have an advantage on saving throws against being charmed or terrified at 14th level.

Sanguine Mastery:

At level 20, your blood magic skill reaches its pinnacle, minimizing your sacrifice and enhancing your expertise. Once per turn, anytime a blood hunter’s ability requires you to roll a hemocraft die, you may reroll the dice and use the higher of the two results.

In addition, if you strike a critical hit with a weapon with a crimson rite active, you restore one spent use of your Blood Maledict ability.

Blood Curses:

 As a blood hunter, you have access to various blood curses that can test the strength of any foe.

Blood Curse of the Uncertain:

You harass the body or mind of a creature within 30 feet of you as a bonus action, rendering it subject to strong influence. Then, on your next turn, Charisma (Intimidation) checks against the cursed creature have the advantage. Amplify. The following Wisdom saving attempt made by the cursed creature before the duration of the curse is reduced by disadvantage.

Blood Curse of Attachment:

You attempt to tie a Large or smaller monster within 30 feet of you as a bonus action. The creature must make a Strength saving throw. Failure reduces the creature’s speed to 0 and prevents it from using reactions until your next turn.


This curse lasts one minute and can affect creatures of any size. The cursed creature can repeat the saving throw after each turn; if it succeeds, the curse is lifted.

Blood Curse of Bloating Suffering:

You can curse a creature within 30 feet of you as a bonus action, causing its body to swell until the end of your next turn. The animal has a disadvantage on Strength and Dexterity checks for the duration and takes 1d8 necrotic damage if it makes more than one attack per turn.


This curse will last one minute. The cursed creature may attempt a Constitution saving throw at the end of each turn; if successful, the curse is lifted.

Curse of Blood Corrosion:

Order of the Mutant at the 15th level is a chance.

As a bonus action, you poison a nearby creature within 30 feet of you. The cursed creature may attempt a Constitution saving throw at the end of each turn; if successful, the curse is lifted. Amplify. When you inflict this curse on a creature, it gets 4d6 necrotic damage, and again if it fails, a Constitution saving throws to break the curse.

Curse of the Exorcist’s Blood:

15th level, Order of the Blood Hunter prerequisite.

To use this extra action, pick one creature within 30 feet of you that is charmed, terrified, or possessed. The beast you target is no longer enchanted, scared, or maintained.


The monster that charmed, terrified, or possessed your target gets 3d6 psychic damage and must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be stunned until the end of your next turn.

Blood Curse of Experiencing:

When a creature you can see within 30 yards of you suffers damage from an attack or spell, you can briefly use your reaction to reduce its resistance. The target loses resistance to all damage types dealt by the triggering attack or spells until the end of its next turn (including for that triggering effect).

Amplify. The target loses immunity to the damage kinds of the attack or spell that triggered this effect but gains resistance to those damage types until the end of its next turn.

Blood Curse of the Unsightly:

When a creature within 30 feet of you attacks, you can use your reaction to roll one hemocraft die and reduce the result from the creature’s attack roll. After the creature rolls, but before the DM determines whether the attack hits or misses, you may choose to use this ability. If the creature is immune to the blinded condition, it is resistant to this curse.


You apply this curse to all attack rolls made by the creature until the end of its turn. After that, you roll independently for each attack affected.

Blood Curse of the Destroyed Doll:

When a creature within 30 feet of you is reduced to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to imbue it with a final act of hostility. Then, the beast makes an instantaneous weapon attack against a target within your chosen range.


You can cause the cursed monster to move up to half its speed and then add your Hemocraft modifier (minimum +1) to its attack roll.

Curse of the Howl’s Blood:

18th level and Order of the Lycan prerequisites

You unleash a savage howl as an action. Each creature within 30 feet of you that can hear you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or fear you until your next turn. The animal is stunned if it fails its saving throw by five or more. A creature with a successful saving throw is resistant to this curse for 24 hours.

You may choose any number of visible creatures to be immune to the howl.


This curse’s range extends to 60 feet.

Curse of Blood of the Marked

Bonus action: Mark a creature within 30 feet. Until the end of your turn, whenever you hit a cursed creature with a weapon for which a crimson rite is active, you roll an additional hemocraft die to determine the extra damage from the ceremony.


Before the conclusion of your turn, the next attack roll you make against the target has the advantage.

Blood Curse of the Confused Brain:

As a bonus action, you curse a creature within 30 feet focused on a spell or ability. Before your next turn, this creature has a disadvantage on the next Constitution saving throw it makes to retain focus.

Amplify. Until your next turn, the cursed creature has a disadvantage on any Constitution saving throws made to retain concentration.

Curse of Blood on the Soul Eater:

Requires 18th level and the Order of the Profane Soul.

When a creature that isn’t a construct or undead is reduced to 0 hit points within 30 feet of you, you can use your reaction to gift their life energy to your patron in exchange for power. Until the end of your next turn, you gain an advantage on attacks and immunity to all damage.


In addition, you recover a spent warlock spell slot. After amplifying this blood curse, you must complete a long rest before strengthening it again.

Blood Hunter Orders:

The expertise of the blood hunters is shaped and defined by a small number of clandestine orders, whose members guard a distinct variety of cryptic techniques and rituals. Characters must seek out one of these orders to access the Hunter’s Bane ritual, which begins the path of every blood hunter.

 Order of the Ghost slayers:

The Order of the Ghost slayer is the oldest blood hunter order; its members rediscovered hemocraft to fight the undead. Ghost slayers fixate on the moment of death and the power that can resurrect the dead. These ardent blood hunters destroy the scourge of undeath wherever it is found, adjusting their talents to engage undead creatures and those who manipulate the necromancy that creates them.

Dawn’s Rite:

You learn the Rite of the Dawn when joining this order at the 3rd level. Rite of the Dawn does radiant damage when activated. While that rite is active on your weapon, you get these benefits:

Your weapon shines 20 feet.
Necrotic harm is resisted.
When you hit an undead creature with a weapon with the Rite of the Dawn active, roll an extra hemocraft die to determine the additional damage.
You study blood spells at the 3rd level. Blood Maledict gains an extra use. Blood curses can target any creature, bloodless or not.

Aether walk:

If you’re not incapacitated, you can step through the plane’s veil at the start of your 7th level turn. You can move through beings and items like challenging terrain and view and affect Ethereal Plane creatures and objects. Inside an item, you take 1d10 force damage. This lasts as long as your Hemocraft modifier (minimum of 1 round). If you’re within an object when it ends, you’re thrown to the nearest unoccupied area and take double the distance you moved in force damage. It would help if you relaxed before using this feature again. 15th-level characters can use Aether Walk twice between rests.


11th-level Brand of Castigation exposes a foe’s essence, making them vulnerable to Crimson Rite. When you hit a creature with a weapon that has a crimson rite, roll an extra hemocraft die to determine the additional damage. Branded beings with Incorporeal Movement can’t move through other creatures or objects.

Blood Curse of The Exorcist:

At the 15th level, you hone your hemocraft to rid allies of corruption and punish its perpetrators. Blood Maledict gains Blood Curse of the Exorcist. This doesn’t count against your number of blood curses known.

Rite Revival
At the 18th level, you learn to re-absorb weapon energy to prolong your life. If you are reduced to 0 hit points but don’t die, you can choose to have all your active crimson rites terminate and drop to 1 hit point.

Order of the Lycans:

The ancient curse of lycanthropy, passed through blood, seeds a host with the savage strength and hunger for the violence of a wicked beast. These hunters use their blood magic to harness the monster’s power without becoming it. Members of the Order of the Lycan use willpower and blood magic to control and release their hybrid forms. These warriors have superhuman strength, inhuman resilience, and razor-sharp claws. Yet, even the best blood hunters can succumb to their thirst without care and focus.

Lycanthropy’s Burden:

Those who join the Order of the Lycan do so with commitment, knowing the challenges it presents. Lycan blood hunters accept the beast’s talents while keeping control through intensive training and blood magic. The Order of the Lycan’s most sacred oath is to never infect another creature without permission.

If a member of the Order of the Lycan is cured, it brings dishonor to them and the order. Members who have been cleansed against their will return to the order for a fresh Taming initiation, reclaiming their honor. Lycanthropy might be wolf, bear, tiger, boar, or rat. The strain of the lycanthropic curse determines the physical attributes of a Lycan blood hunter’s hybrid transformation, but the curse’s benefits are consistent.

Hybrid Transformation:

Choose this archetype at the 3rd level to develop predatory senses. Wisdom (Perception) checks involving hearing or scent favor you.


At the 3rd level, you control your lycanthropic curse. As a bonus, you morph for 1 hour into a hybrid form. You may speak, use equipment, and wear armor in this form, and you can revert as a bonus action. Falling unconscious or dying restores your usual form. This updates Monster Manual lycanthropy rules. You must relax before using this feature again. Set Hybrid Transformation to Hybrid Form in the Character Builder to activate its bonuses.

Hybridization Features:

You acquire the following perks and downsides while transformed:

Wild Strength:

Advantage on Strength tests and saving throws, +1 to melee damage rolls. +2 at 11th level, +3 at 18th.

Durable Skin:

You’re resistant to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks without silvered weapons. When not wearing heavy armor, your AC is +1.


Your unarmed blows count as one weapon for Crimson Rite. Dexterity can replace Strength for the unarmed attack and damage rolls, dealing 1d6 bludgeoning or slashing damage (your choice). 11th level: 1d8.

If you use the Attack action to make an unarmed strike, you can make one more as a bonus.


If you start your turn with fewer than half your maximum health points, you must make a DC 8 Wisdom save or attack the nearest creature. If you’re concentrating on a spell or under an effect that prevents you from concentrating, you fail this saving throw. Using Extra Strike for this furious attack is optional. If multiple creatures are close, roll to choose your target. You recover control after your strike ends.

Stalker’s Skill:

7th level boosts your speed by 10 feet, long leap by 10 feet, and high jump by 3 feet. Your hybrid form has another perk.

Better predation:

Unarmed strike attacks roll +1 higher. +2 at 11th level, +3 at 18th. When you have an active crimson ritual on your unarmed strike in hybrid form, your unarmed strikes are considered magical for overcoming nonmagical resistance and immunity.


At the 11th level, you unleash and control more beasts. You can utilize Hybrid Transformation twice after a short or lengthy rest. Your hybrid form has another perk. Regenerating Lycans. When you have at least 1 hit point but fewer than half your maximum, you get 1 + your Constitution modifier hit points (minimum of 1). Hybrids gain hit points before making a bloodlust saving throw.

Voracious Brand:

15th-level hybrids have an advantage on bloodlust saving throws. Brand of Castigation can bind foes to your hunter’s wrath. In hybrid form, you have an advantage versus creatures you branded.

Transformation Mastery:

You’ve mastered your inner predator at the 18th level. Your hybrid form lasts until you revert to your natural form, pass out, or die.

Blood Maledict gains Blood Curse of the Howl. This doesn’t constitute as a blood curse.

Mutant Order:

Hunter’s Bane is unpleasant, scarring, and occasionally lethal. Survivors are irrevocably changed—not necessarily for the better. A splinter order of blood hunters used corrupted alchemy and deadly elixirs to modify their blood through years of testing. In warfare, they’ve improved over time. Order of the Mutant blood hunters examine the strengths and weaknesses of their opponents and alter their biology to be best prepared for any confrontation.

Mutagen craft:

You learn to master mutagens, prohibited alchemical concoctions that briefly alter mental and physical powers, at the 3rd level. As a bonus action, you drink a mutagen, whose effects and side effects endure until your next short or long rest. You can use an action to flush all mutagens from your system, terminating their effects and side effects.

Your mutagens are created for your character’s biology and don’t affect other organisms. They lose power over time and become inert if not utilized before your next rest.


Formulae A fresh mutagen formula can replace an old one. You choose four mutagen recipes from the list at the end of this subclass description and fabricate one after a short or long rest.


At level 7, your body adapts to toxins and venoms, ignoring their corruption. You’re immune to poison and poisoned. You can also release adrenaline to temporarily resist a mutagen’s effects. As a bonus, you can disregard one mutagen’s side effect for 1 minute. You can’t do it again until after a long break.


Your mutagenic hemocraft reveals a foe’s real nature at the 11th level. When you brand a creature, any illusion or invisibility ends, and the creature can’t benefit from them. If a creature you brand is in an alternative form (due to polymorphism, Change Shape, Shape changer, Feral Shape, or similar effects), it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or return to its original form and be stunned until the end of your next turn. When a branded creature tries to change the form, it must succeed on a Wisdom save or be stunned until the end of your next turn.

Corrosion’s Curse:

15th-level blood curses can poison a creature’s body. Blood Maledict gains Corrosion Curse. This doesn’t constitute a blood curse.


At level 18, your body can create mutagens naturally. Choose a mutagen impacting you as a bonus action. Its effects and side effects end, and you can use a known mutagen instead.

Hemocraft modifier determines how often you can use this feature (minimum of once). Long rests restore all spent uses.


Your hemoraft mutagens are alphabetized. Learn a mutagen while meeting its requirements.

11th-level Aether:

1 hour of 20-foot-per-second flight. Strength and Dexterity checks are disadvantaged.


Skin and voice become malleable, enhancing your appearance and presence. Charisma checks favor you. You have an initiative disadvantage.


Your maximum Dexterity score increases by 3. Wisdom saves are disadvantageous. Your Dexterity and maximum improve by 4 at 11th level and 5 at 18th.


You’re smarter. Wisdom checks are penalized.

11th-level cruelty:

When you use Attack, you can make a bonus weapon attack. Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws are disadvantageous.


Dexterity checks favor you. Wisdom checks are penalized.


You’re fire-resistant but cold-sensitive.


You’re cold-resistant but fire-prone.


You’re piercing-resistant yet slashing-vulnerable.


You can’t be grasped or restrained. Strength checks are penalized. 11th level: Paralysis immunity.

Night eye:

60 feet of dark vision. The dark vision range increases by 60 feet. You suffer a disadvantage on attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) tests that rely on sight when in direct sunlight.


You’re smarter. Charisma checks are penalized.


Your maximum Strength score increases by 3. Dexterity saving throws are disadvantageous. Strength and maximum increase by 4 at 11th level and 5 at 18th.

11th-grade precision:

On 19 or 20, your weapon attacks are critical. Strength saving throws are disadvantageous.


10 feet faster. Intelligence checks are disadvantageous. At level 15, you’re 5 feet faster.


7th-grade prerequisite

For 1 hour, when you have at least 1 but fewer than half your maximum hit points, you regain hit points equal to your proficiency bonus. Your speed slows by 10 feet.


Your Intelligence score and maximum improve by 3. Charisma saves are disadvantageous. Intelligence and maximum grow by 4 at 11th level and 5 at 18th.


You have cutting resistance but bludgeoning susceptibility.


You have bludgeoning resistance but piercing vulnerability.


Blood Maledict gains an extra use. Death saving throws are disadvantageous.

Order of Impure Soul:

Blood hunters of the Order of the Profane Soul have pushed the bounds of hemocraft to fight world-corrupting monsters. Ancient fiends and terrible magic-users have relied on their ability to blend into the background and evade hunters, slipping into royal courts without a trace or manipulating the minds of sturdy soldiers with a glance. So the blood hunters who created this organization trusted in their resilience as they delved into corrupting esoteric knowledge, forming pacts with lesser evils to resist more significant threats. Though they may have given a portion of themselves for power, the members of this order know the rewards exceed the cost.

Strange Patron:

You make a deal with a supernatural being at 3rd level.

The Archfey, the Fiend, or the Great Old One from Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide
The Hexblade from Xanathar’s Guide to Everything
Fathomless or Genie from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything Undead from Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft
Your option enhances subclass features as mentioned below.

The Pact:

3rd level also adds spellcasting to your combat skills. Chapter 10 of the Player’s Handbook has spellcasting rules, and chapter 11 has the warlock spell list.


Learn two warlock cantrips of your choice. You gain a warlock cantrip at the 10th level.


This table indicates how many spell slots you have. In addition, the table shows the level of each spell slot; they’re all the same. It would help if you used a spell slot to cast 1st-level or higher warlock spells. You restore all spell slots after a short or lengthy rest.

You have two 2nd-level spell slots at level 8. Therefore, you must expend a space to cast the 1st-level magic witch bolt as a 2nd-level spell.

It spells 1st level and up. So, you know, two 1st-level warlock spells at 3rd level.

In Profane Soul Spellcasting, the Spells Known column reveals when you learn 1st-level and higher warlock spells. A spell you choose can’t be higher than indicated in your level’s Slot Level column. For example, when you achieve level 13, you learn a new warlock spell of 1st, 2nd, or 3rd.

When you earn a level in this class, you can replace one of your warlock spells with another of the same level if you have enough spell slots.

Magical power:

Your Hemocraft ability (Intelligence or Wisdom) is your warlock spellcasting ability. Therefore you employ it anytime a spell refers to it. In addition, you use your Hemocraft modifier when calculating the saving throw DC for a warlock spell and when attacking with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + prof bonus + hell craft modifier

Spell attack modifier = prof bonus + Hemocraft modifier succumb to their thirst without care and focus.

Maintain Constant Attention to the Ritual at Hand
Starting at the 3rd level, your weapon becomes a conduit for the power of your bond with your chosen patron. While you have an active crimson rite, you can use your weapon as a spellcasting focus for your warlock spells and earn a special bonus based on your chosen pact.

The Archfey:

When you damage a creature with a weapon for which you have an active crimson rite, that creature glows with dim light until the end of your next turn. For the duration, the creature gains no benefit from any cover or from being invisible.

The Celestial:

As a bonus action, you expend one use of your Blood Maledict feature to heal one creature you can see within 60 feet of you. Healing that creature restores hit points equal to 1d10 + your Hemocraft modifier (minimum +1).

There is no end to the depths of the Fathomless. You can breathe underwater. Additionally, once per turn when you damage a creature with a weapon for which you have an active crimson ritual, you can reduce that creature’s speed by 10 feet until the start of your next turn.

The Fiend:

If you roll one or two on a damaged die while casting the Rite of the Flame, you can reroll the die and take the higher total.

The Genie:

As a bonus action, you spend a use of your Blood Maledict feature to give yourself a flying speed of 30 feet, which lasts for several rounds equal to your Hemocraft modifier (minimum of 1 game) (minimum of 1 round).

The Great Old One:

When you achieve a critical hit against a creature, that creature and any other creatures of your choice within 10 feet of it are afraid of you until the conclusion of your next turn.

The Hexblade:

Incan enchantment blade is known as the Hexblade. When you successfully target a creature with a blood curse, the next time you hit that creature with an attack while the curse is in effect, the episode delivers extra damage equal to your proficiency modifier.

The Undead:

In other words, zombies. You can use your response to reduce necrotic damage you take by 50%. Your look alters to reflect your patron when a crimson rite is active.

The Eternal:

When you reduce a hostile creature to 0 health points, you restore hit points equal to one roll of your hemocraft die.

The madness of the Mystics:

At 7th level and higher, whenever you use an action to cast a cantrip, you immediately gain the bonus action of making a single attack with a weapon.

Opened Up Secrets:

At the 7th level, depending on the nature of your connection with your patron, you may gain access to a unique spell. This spell can be performed using any available pact magic spell slot, but once it has been used, it cannot be cast again for a long time.

Blood Curse of the Soul eater:

Starting at the 18th level, you learn to siphon the life energy from your fallen prey. You gain the Blood Curse of the Soul Eater for your Blood Maledict feature.

Read Also: Wizard